Page 87 of The Sins that Ruin

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So I was as fucking nice as I can be. Not just for the cousin’s sake, but for my damn job’s. If someone is actually making threats, then I need to shut it the hell down.

Right now, I’m weaving webs and casting fucking spells to make it look dire.

If there’s a real threat…

I need to know.

But the thing is, Scarlett’s smart and suspicious, and the kind of woman a man could fall for.

If only she wasn’t related to the man I’m going to kill.

“I have no agenda other than what I’ve already told you. I want a way into your world. The ability to generate a sliver of respectability. And you’re the key. Your cousin?” I heave a sigh and cross the room, helping myself to a drink, giving myself time to think, to appear like I’m letting my thought process unspool.

It’s a delicate balance. I really do need to think. Pick apart this threat and get enough intel on the other ones against the cousin. I thought when I’d heard them mentioned the first time, it was just her father and uncle embellishing the threats I put out there. They wanted help, I’m the one to give it. I know my game, and I know all the counter games. Up the threat to try and appeal to my greed, my wants and needs.

But it looks like there is actually someone else in the mix. Someone who has it in for the uncle and Scarlett’s father.

“Your cousin’s fifteen, a child. I know what you think of me, Scarlett. A dangerous man who gives in to his carnal interests. And you’d be right because you share those interests.” I turn and look at her right as she opens her mouth. She snaps it closed and looks away as she rises, clearing up the untouched drink and snack she brought in for her cousin.

But instead of responding, she walks out of the room. I follow her to the kitchen, blocking the door when she puts everything in the sink.

“We like the same shit, Scarlett. I could taste it in the air when I met you.”


“Yes. Tell me your ass isn’t still stinging, that your pussy isn’t wet just standing next to me, remembering what we just did. Tell me you didn’t want to jump me in the car.”

She sucks in a breath and puts her hands on the counter. “I want you, okay? It doesn’t mean I trust you. And it sure as hell doesn’t mean that the version of you with my cousin was who you really are.” She levels me with a glare. “I know better.”

“You don’t know me, Red. Only what I’ve let you see.”

“I’ve seen plenty.”

“Let me tell you something.” It’s a gamble, what I’m about to say, but I take a sip and do it anyway. “Do you know how old I was when I found myself alone?”

She just stares at me, waiting.

“Very young. I wasn’t even ten.” I meet her gaze. “My sister was a little older. We came from money and this man…” I swallow back the contempt that rises in my throat when I mention her fucking father. “He wooed my mother. When she said she wasn’t interested, he raped her. And she died.”

“F-from the rape?”

I honestly don’t know if she’s still alive. I’ve never been able to find her. And… and that means she’s probably dead. At least, in my head she is. She lost her mind, completely fell apart when my father took everything from her.

That prick’s dead. I found him. Took care of him.

He was no man. A real man doesn’t kick out his wife and his kids. Divorce her, but don’t disown the fucking kids. Your fucking daughter. I loved my sister, I’m glad she’s happy and found love. I don’t need to bring that hellish time back by reappearing in her life, but anyone who had anything to do with that downfall needs to die.

And ever since I saw Dale Hanlon’s photo and realized who it was, I knew my endgame.

He’s the last one. The biggest one.

It’ll hurt Scarlett, but that’s not my fucking problem.

“That man ripped her apart, destroyed her. I had a sister, like I said. We were left on our own to fend for ourselves. Two kids with nothing. Nobody. I couldn’t protect her. So I’ll protect your cousin. End of fucking story.”

It’s the truth. And a lie.

She falls for the whole thing.
