Page 83 of The Sins that Ruin

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He spanks me, and the pain is so unexpected, a biting sting that cuts my protests into pieces.

“At my fucking job, my business, no one knows if I’m there or not. That’s the deal.” He’s so calm as he punctuated each word with a hard, painful slap.

“Liar,” I spit.

He hits me again.

“Call me that one more time, Scarlett,” he says, his silken voice a croon around my senses.

“Liar.” I know why I’m saying it. I want more of his hand. I want more of him. I want. I just fucking want.

He laughs and spanks me again and again. “I think you like this. You want this.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes,” he whispers. “I’ve been watching you, how you seek out the very edges of my tolerance so I can dominate you. Hurt you in the right way, make you beg and crawl and submit to me.”

“No, that’s not true?—”

He hits me again. The pain ricochets through me and I shudder, hating him, hating this, hating how it’s burning, the heat radiating through me. I hate him and this almost as much as I want him and this. The pain, the bite, the burn, the pleasure.

Malone rubs my ass, and then he lifts his hand and I wait, clenching with need and anticipation. But the next blow doesn’t come.

“We both know it’s true. Look at you, so fucking wet, and you’re waiting for me to smack you again. Christ, your fucking ass would look perfect with welts from a whip.” He bends close to my head so that our foreheads almost touch. “Or maybe a paddle. We can use one with studs or holes. I like the holes better, the sound it would make when I bring it down to your ass would be perfect.”

I swallow hard. I need to stop because I’m sliding down into something that I think has no bottom to it, nothing to cushion my fall. I’m losing control. “Let me up.”

“No.” His hand comes down again, harder this time. A rainstorm of blows hits my ass and I scream, writhing against him.

The worst part is he’s spot-on. I hate this, I love this, because through the pain and heat, a wild beat rumbles deep in me. Now he’s storming my defenses, weak as they are. I’m coming apart at the edges, and there’s only his hand hitting my ass and the pain-pleasure that’s rushing through me.

I moan as he hits me one more time, and when he pulls his hand away, the radiation of crackling fire is like a buzzing field of energy. It’s not enough. I need more.

And Malone senses it. So he gives me more. He pushes two fingers into my pussy and starts to fuck me with them.

He doesn’t even need to touch my clit to make me come with a violent cry as wave after wave of euphoria hits me.

“So fucking sweet,” he says, thrusting slowly through the aftermath. “So fucking hot how you get off on what I do to you.”

He’s hard, I can feel the steel of his erection pressing into my stomach. And I want it. I want him in my mouth, my pussy, and… God help me, I want his cock up my ass.

I want him in me as I ride him.

However I can get him.

He pulls his fingers from me, and he sits me up on his lap and I reach for him, intending to either ride his cock or swallow it down, but he stops me and pushes me back onto the opposite seat.

For a moment I’m dazed, trying to compute why he’s rejecting me, and my head can only think of one thing.

There’s someone else.

A wave of jealousy so sharp and violent hits me that I almost leap at him. “If you fucked someone else, I’ll castrate you while you sleep.”

Malone grins, his face brightening with genuine joy. He leans toward me and pulls me against him. “Sleep? Baby girl, where’s the fun in that? I dare you to try while I’m awake.”

And then he guides my mouth up to his and kisses me, long and slow, a symphony of seduction, and all the hard parts of me turn soft and molten.
