Page 81 of The Sins that Ruin

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“I’m using it.” She frowns, turning to study me like she’s trying to work out my angle.

“Will there be leftovers?”


“As I said, keep it.”

“Why?” That pretty frown’s still in place.

And I know why I want her to keep it. “It might come in handy.”

Then I leave the kitchen and head to the front door because I need to get to the Obsidian Knights HQ. We have some good databases I’d like to use. I’m interested to see if fucking Jones will try to corner me again.

And I need to leave the apartment, because if I don’t, I’ll bend her over the damn island and take her ass.

“Stay here,” I call out to her, my hand on the door handle. “I’ll be back.”

She pokes her head out of the kitchen, her brows knitted, eyes glittering with anger. “I’m not your prisoner.”

“Do what you’re told or I’ll spank you.”

As I leave, I make up my mind to do just that.

As meetings go, the one with UR Fantasies that Smith arranged went the way I expected. They want to know about Dark Desires, if they’re a client of Hanlon Shipping. But when I pushed for reasons why, they got shifty.

The list they finally get will be sanitized by the Knights, if needed. But that meeting gave me nothing except confirmation that they’re not just interested in their competition ousting them from the services of Hanlon Shipping. I get the feeling they want dirt on them, too.

Hell, maybe they want to start some kind of porn service war.

So I need to dig deeper into Dark Desires and their subsidiaries, if any exist.

Someone here is transporting not-so-willing human cargo. I’d bet money on that. Call it a hunch or intuition. It’s what my gut screams.

And that means we need to stop it at all costs.

When I get home, I push open the driver’s side door of my car and step onto the pavement. I walk toward the building entrance and my heart slams hard against my chest when the door opens.

My spine goes stiff, pulse hammering as I hiss my next words.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”



Startled, I almost scream when he grabs me.

“Let me go, Malone.”

He shoves me back against the wall of the building, air pushing from my lungs in a sharp gasp. The vein in his neck throbs, his lips pulled into a tight line.

No one’s out and about at this hour. I’m at his mercy, and he knows it. “I told you to stay inside. Where the fuck are you sneaking off to?”

I push him away, and the only reason I can do that is because he lets me. I turn and breathe hard, staring up at him. “To see my secret boyfriend.”

“You don’t have a boyfriend.”

I try to shove him again, but this time, he captures my hand. “Secret. You understand the word?”
