Page 75 of The Sins that Ruin

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He comes up and slides a hand over my hair. “I know, but you want me, and that makes both the hate and the want so much more fucking delicious.”

I grit my teeth and put my hands behind my back. Crouching down, he slides the cool metal over my wrists and snaps them into place. Then he grabs the edge of the T-shirt, pulls it up and over my head, and wraps it around my wrists like a double bind.

My heart starts to beat fast as heat pools in my pussy, making my clit throb.

The cool air makes my nipples bead tighter, and then he stands in front of me and unzips his jeans, pulling his hard, thick cock from the soft, old denim. He starts to jerk himself, slowly.

My gaze is locked on the bead of precum glistening on the head. It’s a beautiful thing, his cock. I don’t even realize I’ve made a mewling sound until he speaks.

“When you make that little needy moan, it makes me harder. Open your mouth, Scarlett.”

I do and his cock’s immediately there, pushing into me. Stretching my mouth open. I try to suck him down, but he’s the one in control. Malone grips my hair and thrusts in all the way, making me gag, and he holds it at the back of my throat.

“When you gag, it’s like a gift. The movement massages me. And it makes me want to hammer the shit out of you.” He pulls almost all the way out and I drag in a breath of air before he does it again.

He thrusts in hard, pulls out, then thrusts in. Each time a little harder, rougher, a little deeper. I keep trying to swallow him down because having him in my mouth is heaven. It’s invasive, slightly uncomfortable, and something I need like air.

It makes me throb all over, but my clit feels it most of all.

He’s got the control over how he does it, how he fucks my mouth. But I’ve got control, too. He wants what I have. I could bite, I could drag my mouth off him, and yet I don’t. But knowing I could, it surges a shaft of power through me as his cock keeps plundering my mouth. I know I’m drooling, and it slicks the way for him.

I suck him hard, trying to get more and more. I love the fullness and his taste, that salty-sweet of his precum. I fucking love the groans he makes, the way he starts to swell, the way his control slips, the grip that tightens in my hair.

And I go at him as much as I can. I want his cum. I need to feel it hit the back of my throat. I need to swallow. I need to show him what I can do, what I want to do.

I just need.

I’m a flaming ball of want and desire. And when I hear his guttural sound, I suck harder and harder until his cock jerks. I don’t let him come down my throat, though. I manage to pull back a little so his dick squirts hot cum into my mouth. I tug at him so hard that he shudders, cock twitching before he pulls free.


Then I wait until he’s looking at me, a little unsteady, his cock still hard, and I open my mouth so he can see what I did to him, what he gave me as a reward.

“Oh. Fuck.” He stares at me. “Fuck, Scarlett, you filthy, filthy girl. Fuck.”

I hold it there. Waiting, and he slumps down to sit on the floor.

“Keep that mouth open.”

I do as I’m told as he runs his fingers down over me, and I jump and shiver at his electric touch.

He grabs the delicate silk of my panties with both hands and rips them in two, so I’m exposed to him. “Swallow.”

Closing my mouth, I do just that. “Now come here.”

It’s a little hard with my hands bound, but I move forward on my knees. He grabs my hair and pulls me in for a hard, wild kiss. His tongue starts out like an invading cock, and then it turns into seduction, just as crazed and hard. When he finishes kissing me, I’m wetter than I was minutes before.

He slides down farther beneath me and tugs me so I’m over his head and my heart’s slamming against my ribs, the heat in my veins a furnace.

Malone blows on my pussy. “Now, this is a fucking view.”

“I don’t… I don’t know if I can stay up.”

“I bet you will.” He wraps his hands around my thighs and guides me down to his mouth.

It’s explosive, that touch, an inferno of sensations as his tongue moves along my slit, pushing up into me, thrusting, and then he moves, closing his lips and tongue over my clit.

I have to fight to stay up, I’m pulled in so many directions. Down into the pleasure he’s unleashing and then the way I need to balance. What I want is to sink down into it all, sink into the depths of his mouth, and when he moves one hand to push two fingers into me, I lose it.
