Page 73 of The Sins that Ruin

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Maybe I’m still half-asleep if I’m thinking all this. Or maybe it’s his touch that keeps waking and flaring to life parts of me that have no business being awake so early.

And all those parts have to do with sex and need and wanting.

He pushes the cake to my lips, deliberately smearing the frosting over them, and then he pulls it back and takes a bite.

“But first, like I said, time to play and start the day.”

I go to lick my lips and speak. He shakes his head. “Don’t.”

He leans in, and he sucks and licks the buttercream from them, and I shudder in delight at the touch of his tongue.

“Play?” I whisper.

And he smiles. “Play. Before I need to do shit today.”

I gasp softly, my nipples beading and a light electric current running through me at the thought of X-rated play with him.

The man I want. The man I don’t like. It’s such a heady dichotomy that it’s hard to think straight, especially when his fingers travel down my body to push the shirt I stole from his room up over my head.

“There’s a new law.” He strokes my thighs, making me shiver, and he’s moving up. “You’re not allowed to wear underwear in the apartment. Unless I say so.”

He nudges one of my legs, pushing it so he can trace the lines and indents of my silk-covered pussy.

“I’m not stripping for you every time you decide to appear.” There’s more sharpness to my words than I wanted, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

“You will if I tell you to. Because if you don’t, you know what’ll happen.”

A coldness slips through my veins, tempering the rising heat inside. “You’ll withdraw your help and protection for my family.”

His hand goes still, pressed against my covered slit.

“Fuck no.” He leans in and says in my ear, “Your cousin’s only fifteen. You can paint me as big a monster as you like, but I don’t jeopardize the lives of children.”

For some reason, out of everything he’s said to me, I believe that. At the core of the words, I believe him. With Dad and the business, I think I do, too, but there’s something wrapped around that kind of help, something dark-edged and hidden.

But this? It’s clear. Honest.

And I want to move and make him touch me. I want to seduce him, to overwhelm him, to make him unravel the way he’s made me. I don’t even realize I’m moving my hips until he starts laughing.

“Red, look at you, all hot and bothered and practically in pieces. So fucking hot. Are you listening? Did you even hear me? I said I don’t hurt kids.”

“Or puppies?” I snap, hating that he just called me out.

He grins. “I prefer kittens. Less predictable.” He starts to move again, this time trailing his fingers up over my clit and then up. “But no, I’m not hurting puppies, either. And you know punishment is what happens when you don’t do as I say.”

He’s at my nipple now and he pinches it, making me arch at the sudden bite of pleasure-pain. “I think I’ll start now.”

“For what?”

He gives the T-shirt a light tug. “Let’s call it general disobedience. You stole my shirt, you ignored the lingerie I got you. The fact?—”

He stops.

“The fact?”

A strange expression comes over his beautiful features, but he just shakes his head and lets me go as he stands. “Up, Scarlett.”

I push up into a sitting position and the air in my lungs whooshes out. This is fake and he’s getting his rocks off with me, knowing I don’t want to be here, knowing I want him against my will.
