Page 61 of The Sins that Ruin

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I push her down onto her hands and tug off her pants and panties. I sink my teeth into her ass cheek and then tear open my own pants, setting my cock free from the confines of fabric. I line myself up with her slit and plunge balls deep into her tight, wet cunt.

It’s fucking bliss, it’s so fucking hot. So fucking real. I grip her hips hard and start to hammer into her, wishing I had a light on us so I can see the way she clings to my cock, that inner ring of muscle sucking at my shaft.

I feel it, the pull and kiss of her pussy. The tremors of her body as she pulls me deeper.

And the way she thrusts back into me, it’s almost too much. I start to fuck her harder, deeper, and she gets slicker, tighter, like she’s lubing my path and swelling around me.

Christ, I could get fucking used to this, the needy sounds she makes, how she feels wrapped around me. I’m not an idiot. Dipping my cock into a tight cunt or ass is always good, but this is different. This is magic. Maybe it’s because she’s my enemy’s kid. Maybe because I’m tainting the perfect bright and shiny treasure. His pristine daughter.

Or maybe it’s just fucking her that has my head in a twist.

I don’t know.

But I know while the magic’s there, I’m taking it as a bonus, something to be manipulated and?—


I sink my teeth into my lower lip as I plow her on the dirty warehouse concrete floor. My brain scrambles, my senses drowning in everything Scarlett. Every push and pull, every thrust and moan make me harder and so damn close to coming.

I thrust harder, squeezing my eyes shut with each slide of my cock. Her muscles clamp down on my dick, clutching me tight like an erotic vise.

Fuck, I want her to ride me. I want to torment her with my cock, to edge her so hard that she unravels for me.

My body is slipping further and further out of my control, the urge to own her, paint her, claim her, mark her inside and out is too strong. A fierce tingling sensation slips down my spine.

I need to come. The deep ache’s morphed into that perfect pleasure-pain where the only relief is to fill her with everything I have.

I want her mouth.

Fuck. Fuck!

But I hold her tight against me, slamming into her a few more times until my cock twitches and I lose myself in her. Lights burst and die in front of my eyes. I shudder, every cell awake and alive with that mind-blowing release.

I stay inside of her for a few minutes, letting them tick past. Not giving a damn if someone comes in. But they won’t.

Soft mewls slip from her lips, and her cunt spasms around my cock. Her body pulls at it like she’s trying to milk me for every last drop of cum, every last drop of pleasure for her.

Slowly, I slip out of her, and it’s one of the most reluctant dismounts I’ve ever had.


What the fuck?

I almost laugh.

She collapses down to the floor, and now that my eyes are more accustomed to the dark, the soft mounds of her ass are visible. There are marks forming where I dug my fingers deep into her flesh.

My branding.

I force myself off my knees, put myself back together, and get the guard’s gun. I stick it into the waistband of my pants. It’s a standard handgun, Smith & Wesson. Mine’s a Glock 19. I prefer the Kimber 1911, but I don’t think a sleazebag like JM would use a Kimber. It’d be a Glock or something spectacularly fancy.

Breath under control, my dick back in my pants, I’m finally calm.


I turn and hold out a hand to Scarlett. She just stares at me, open-mouthed, so I crouch down to help her get dressed. I snap the waistband of the stretchy pants before standing up.

