Page 53 of The Sins that Ruin

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There are ropes and leather ties. I don’t like spreader bars, but I have one of those too. And the clamps.

I’ve also got two vibrators and a selection of dildos and butt plugs, as well as a flogger and a whip.

I can almost taste the nervous energy seeping from the pores of her quivering body.

But there’s also a dark curiosity in her eyes, one I never expected from her.

I slowly walk toward her and flick open the hidden buttons on the side of the dress. But I don’t peel it open. Yet.

“How much was the dress?”

“Am I allowed to speak, Sir?”

I smile. “You can do anything you fucking want, like I said. You just need to be willing to handle the consequences of talking without my permission.”

“About two thousand.”

“The shoes?”

She swallows, shifting in the high heels. “Nine hundred.”

“Nice.” I push open the dress, but the double-sided tape keeps me from getting the view I really want.

It’s a fucking crime to use that shit.

I’d rather catch glimpses of nipple from the dress falling open than having it sealed closed.

I pull the tape off and push the dress back.

My mouth waters as I stare at her. She’s all curves, her body made for my eyes and hands. I want to taste every inch of her.

If I had my way, she’d always be naked, in heels and stockings and crawling with her hot ass in the air, primed for the taking. I like the sight of a woman crawling.

It’s not even for the subservience. I love the sway of her hips, the bounce of her tits, the fact that if I’m sitting, she’s at the perfect height to let me rest my cock in her mouth.

I add that one to the list of things I want Scarlett to do. Warm my cock with her mouth.

“The dress looks better like that.” I then pull it off her and let it fall to the ground. “But first, punishment. Pick a dildo and a butt plug.”

“W-what are those?” she asks, pointing at the gags.

I slide a lock of her hair away from her throat and kiss a path upward, trailing my hand down to her tits. “Those are to keep you open and ready. So I can fuck your mouth and throat like it’s your cunt or ass.”

I slide my hand lower and slip my fingers through her slick pussy lips. She moans and shudders, her hips moving around to beckon my hand. “A-and that thing with the hooks?”

“Nose hooks. That little harness and gag is for when you’re a bad girl and not keeping your head where I want it. Do you want to try it?”


But she rocks harder against my fingers.

More lies.

I move away and select a rope. One of the binding ones for Shibari. “You want to.”

“I… would it matter, Sir?” she asks quietly.

“Maybe, maybe not. Hands in front.”
