Page 48 of The Sins that Ruin

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And then after I checked again this morning…

The bed still hadn’t been slept in.

I smooth my hands down the front of the dress. For Lacey’s help with shopping, I agreed to look at spaces for a bakery. She wants to go into business with me.

But what if I fuck that up? What if my hobby can’t become my reality?

I take a breath, the tray of cupcakes screaming my name.

I’m about to reach for one when my skin starts to sing and tingle.

“Well now, that’s a sight I like to see,” Malone says. “And what the fuck smells so damn good?”

“Cupcakes.” I turn and suddenly forget how to breathe.

He looks…

I clutch the counter for support. His golden hair is slicked back and it shines. That sensual mouth holds the hint of a smile while his vivid green eyes turn molten as they rake over my body.

He looks like every fantasy and orgasm come to life.

He hits the libido and the heart.

He’s fucking gorgeous.

For a brief second, my vision wavers.

Malone looks like a dark and debonair prince, swathed in a black Armani suit, starched white dress shirt, and emerald and amber tie. He’s the epitome of what he claims he wants—respect.

But it goes way beyond that.

He’s the poster boy for class, good breeding, and catch of the year. You’d never know by looking at him that he’s a deviant criminal.

My mouth feels like a wad of cotton is stuffed into it as he approaches. He glides his hand down over the shimmer of the dark-amber material that wraps around me, showing off my figure. The top is low-cut and a slit runs all the way up the left side to the top of my thigh.

The dress is a study in faux respectable. It’s class hiding a whole lot of sexy. And his eyes light up as his fingers find that slit. “Take off your panties.”

“I’m not?—”

“Take them off or I’ll beat your ass, right after you blow me.” He moves his hand down and through the slit to stroke my pussy. I shudder, a gasp slipping from my lips. “Or do you want me to do it? Either way, they’re coming off.”

“And,” I ask, my voice breathy, catching in my throat, “which way would make you happier?”

I’m going for sarcasm, but it comes out sounding a hell of a lot like subservient.

He leans close, sucking the lobe of my ear with the small diamond stud into his mouth. Malone releases me but just moves his mouth up toward mine. “I guess you’ll find out later. Take them off.”

Oh shit. I don’t want to go into my father’s house without my panties on. But this man, he compels me to do things I wouldn’t ever do. And even though it feels wrong, there’s a dark, throbbing thrill in that. Besides, if I don’t… What the fuck will he do?

Spank me.

My pussy clenches, warmth gathering between my thighs.

Or maybe he won’t, maybe he won’t touch me at all.

And I…

Damn it.
