Page 19 of The Sins that Ruin

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Scarlett’s lip curls. “You’re disgusting.”

“You’re the one offering yourself to me on a platter.” I glance at the chair next to the sofa. “Sit.”

She stays where she is.

“Here’s the thing. We both know something shady and deadly is going on. There are threats. And in my experience, unknown and vague mean someone’s building to something. Playing a fucking game.” Now I pause. “It’s why your uncle bartered you in exchange for my help.”

She reels back, stumbling. “No. He wouldn’t.”

“He would. Call him.”

Her eyes are fucking huge, and I’m starting to get hard. There’s something delicious about her being a trapped and defiant creature. A fuzzy little thing with a bite, but she’s no match to my fucking jungle cat. I’ll play with her, gut her, and eat her up.

“H-he wouldn’t.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” I say with a shrug, crossing my legs to hide the rise of my cock. She’ll be wrapping those lush lips around it soon enough, but I’m still playing this game and it’s fucking fun.

“This is ridiculous.”

“Go, then.” I raise my glass and gesture to the door. She doesn’t move and my lips lift into a smirk. “Thought not. C’mon, Scarlett, you don’t think your uncle would do what it takes to keep his little girl safe? Have you heard of Bishop? I don’t know if it’s him behind it, but people like that man and his family have mafia ties, and your father has a lot of debts. To whom, I don’t know. Neither does your uncle, or, at least, he doesn’t want to say, but bottom line? There’s trouble. I can help.”

“It has to be more than just protection.”

I see where her pretty mind’s headed. If I only offer protection, then she’s tied to me. But she doesn’t understand the implication of what she just said.

She’s going to do it.

I just figured there’d be a bigger fucking fight to get her there.

“I’ll find out who’s behind this,” I say. “But we stay together until my reputation is in better standing. Maybe a couple of months.”


“Then go. I dare you.”

But she doesn’t move, neither do her eyes. They’re laser focused on me when she stabs something onto her phone screen. She raises it to her ear.

“Uncle Grant, I’m with JM.”

Scarlett’s silent a long time, and then she hangs up without another word to him. Her face is ashen, eyes wide with terror and panic.

If her father wasn’t such a fucking piece of shit who needs to be wiped off the planet, I’d almost feel sorry for her.

“He thinks it’s all fake.” Her eyes float closed. “He thinks I’m going to move into your spare room and fake a relationship.”

The way she says it, so flat, speaks volumes.

Her uncle is willing to sacrifice Scarlett for his kid. For himself, his brother, his business. End of story.

“Let him think that. In fact, make sure he and your father both think that, but sex is definitely on the table.” I look her up and down. “Drop the bag, finish your fucking drink.”


“Rule one is don’t fucking talk back without my permission. You can, but it comes with punishment. But before we start, you’ve got to pass my first test.”

“I don’t—” She frowns, then stops mid-thought and takes a breath. “What do you mean by pass?”

“If you’re fucking shit at sex, then the deal’s off. Your family can all die for all I give a damn.” I uncross my legs and sit up. “Get on your fucking knees and crawl over here. Then blow me.”
