Page 121 of The Desires That Burn

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The thought of him treating me that way, framed in an understanding of our game, makes my whole being liquid, flowing desire. I take him in, right to the base, somehow opening myself for him, the need to feel his cock on the back of my throat, filling my entire mouth, making it stretch for him is an aphrodisiac in itself. Pleasure personified.

He pants, tugging my hair, pulling me onto him, hammering my throat. “Oh, fuck yes. Worth every cent to use your mouth. So sweet. Wet. Accommodating. Fuck!”

Then he hauls me off him.

“Sit for Daddy with that pretty mouth open, eyes on me.”

I stare at him, lips parted, so he can see into me. And he’s jerking his cock in one hand, sliding it up and down the shaft. His cock is wet and he grunts and then spurts cum into my mouth.

Some hits my chin, my cheek, breasts, then into my mouth again.

When he’s done, he looks at me. And I don’t move.

“When you’re done swallowing, clean me with your tongue and put me back.”

I quiver as I carefully lick him clean, and then I tuck his thick cock away and do up the jeans and belt.

“Daddy, can I clean my face?”

He studies me, then goes and sits on the sofa. “No. Get me a beer and bring it to me.”

My thighs are slick as I walk, a wobble in my step, to the kitchen. I get the beer from the half-empty fridge, but I note there are eggs and vegetables and cheese in there. Some very expensive hummus, water, and beer. A few different types.

I don’t know what he wants.

Real panic flutters hard in my throat.

“Baby girl?”

I grab a stout because he was drinking one at the classy place, wasn’t he?

There’s a bottle opener on the bench. I grab it, pop off the top, and hurry out. Then I hold out the beer.

“Just a minute, I’m enjoying my handiwork.”

“Daddy? D-do I please you?”

“You’ll do.” I bite down on the smile that rides a wave of sudden euphoria.

He takes the beer and I sink down on the floor. He looks at me. “You’re not a dog, baby girl. Get up here. Please.”

I sink onto the sofa next to him.

Orion slides an arm around me and pulls me onto his lap. He puts the cold bottle between my thighs, leaning it up against my pussy, and I squeal at the biting sensation.

He laughs and picks it up. “Weakling.”

“It’s cold.”

“I’m aware.” He hands me the bottle, whips off his shirt, and wipes the rest of his cum from me. Then he pulls me up so I’m facing him, thighs draped over his legs.

“My slutty, perfect girl.”

I press my mouth to his and kiss him deep to stop whatever he might say next. I don’t want him to say this is it, that we’re coming to an end. I just want now, the moment, not an empty future without Orion.

He kisses me back, putting the bottle down and picking me up, his finger between my legs as he penetrates me. He walks us to the bedroom and takes me down to the bed, breaking the kiss to watch himself finger-fuck me. It’s single-minded focus that almost makes me come because he does it like he’s making the hottest thing on the planet happen. I gasp when he stretches out his fingers, then inserts one in my ass.

“Daddy wants to fuck you all the time.” He kisses his way down my throat and licks my breast. “He can’t get his damn baby girl out of his mind.”
