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I guess love has a way of reshaping us, carving out the best versions of us. And as they talk, I think about how happy I am to share my life with him. We’ve all come so far, and so much more lies ahead.

Dean’s laughter fills the room again as he changes targets. He charges toward Margret with the boundless energy only a three-year-old possesses. Her arms open wide, a beacon of unconditional love in her smile, and she scoops him into an embrace. He sits on her lap as she smooths his hair, a smile on her face.

“Ready for an adventure, little man?” she asks, and excitement fills his eyes.

He nods his head, and her smile grows as he wraps his small arms around her neck.

I watch my family move around me, feeling content and happy.

I’d kept my promise to Fredrick, and we take care of Margret. I never asked her to leave her home, and I doubt Fredrick would want to live there anyway, with all the painful memories of the past. When she and I sat down to have a talk, she said she wanted to stay there, and I could never take her home from her.

And I love our house, this sanctuary Fredrick and I built together that has seen so many life events, our wedding, our love, Dean coming home for the first time... it’s a place we’re building memories and our future.

I wish my mom was here, but she’s not at home. I know she’s been talking to my dad, and that makes me worry for her. The man already hurt her so much. But it’s her life, her choice. I'll stand by her, always, even when my heart hesitates.

Fredrick seems to settle things with my siblings, and I watch him stand and move toward his mother. “Take care of him,” he says, offering to carry our son and his overnight bag out to his mother’s car.

“Always do,” she says with a wink, ushering Dean out the door.

Fredrick glances at me. “You know she spoils him, right?”

I nod. I love that she’s such an amazing grandmother.

Alex and Emma are still talking as they make their way toward the front door, and for a moment, I’m alone. I don’t mind, though, because we always find our way back to one another - all of us. We’re a tight family unit, one that has all of us thriving.

My brother peeks back in, smiling at me. “Goodnight,” he says. “From both of us.”

I smile. “Good night, Alex. Give Emma a hug for me.” He nods.

The door clicks shut, and I sit in silence, never prepared for the quiet. There’s so much noise in my home at all times, it’s strange.

A moment later, Fredrick walks back in the front door, his gaze locking on me. His eyes hold a spark that has nothing to do with club renovations or sibling consultations or seeing our son off with his mother.

In that one look, I see promise, heat, and a future we're still working on day by day. And it’s a beautiful future.

“Alone at last,” he says, striding toward me with purpose.

“Finally,” I breathe out, my belly tightening with anticipation.

His hands find my hips and slide to my bottom before picking me up off the couch. And this feels like home, because home isn’t a house or a place. It’s his arms, his heart.

The warmth of his touch through the soft fabric of my shirt sends a shiver down my spine, and every nerve ending in my body fires to life.

“Let's make the most of it,” he says.

I inhale and nod, lost in the moment, his touch, the fire in his eyes.

“I want you,” he growls, his face nuzzling into my neck as he carries me to our bedroom.

I want him, too, and that hunger never seems to ease off or die down.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day.” He lowers me onto our bed, his weight pressing me down into the comforter.

“Me, too,” I whisper, stunned by the excitement I feel with him pinning me down like this.

His lips meet mine, a kiss that’s all desire and need.

“I thought they'd never leave,” he growls against my lips, his breath hot and eager as he kisses me, then trails his lips down my neck toward my chest.
