Page 81 of The Sinner

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“Well, this is my palace, so that does make sense.” I nodded toward my bedroom wing. “In my closet, on top of the island, are a few bags. They’re for you. For tonight and for all the future nights that I can convince you to stay here instead of the hotel. In one of the bags should be a bathing suit. Why don’t you go put it on?”

Her fingers froze. “Hold on a second. You got me … things? To stay here?”

“I didn’t give you an opportunity to go back to your place and grab whatever you might need. So, I had my assistant do some shopping, and a bathing suit was on the list.”

She looked at me in awe. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now.”

I began to rub her other foot. “We’re going in my hot tub. If you’d rather go naked, I’m all for that. I’d actually prefer it.” I shrugged.

She tightened her grip on my face. “Brady … that wasn’t what I meant.”

I laughed. “I knew what you meant.”

“You’re spoiling me.” She dragged her teeth over her lip. “I hate you for that.”

“You know what?” I growled. “That turns me on too.”

She crawled out of the couch corner and straddled my lap, her arms resting on my shoulders, her pussy grinding over my hard-on. “How private is your hot tub?”

A few more pumps of her hips, and I’d be tearing off both our clothes.

“Private enough that I’m okay with you going naked.” I grabbed her ass, squeezing those fucking cheeks, dreaming about my cock sliding between them. “Trust me, if I thought someone could see your body, I’d never allow it. No one is going to look at what’s mine.”

She lowered her lips to my mouth, pressing the softest kiss against me. “Take me there.”



“My God,” I moaned as my toes hit the water.

Brady had carried me, naked, down the steps of his Jacuzzi, settling us into the center of the oversized tub, not near the inner row of seats or jets, just directly in the middle of it all. His hands surrounded my now-wet, slippery body.

“This feels incredible.” My legs stayed circled around his waist, my arms on his neck, the water bubbling around us.

The moment he’d brought me out here, I realized he was right about the privacy. Despite the house being built on the edge of a cliff, his patio without a screen or fence around it, his home was situated in a way that unless someone was flying overhead, they wouldn’t be able to see a thing.

Which alleviated my fear of David somehow peeking in.

Without that worry hanging over me, I could fully concentrate on the way Brady was touching me.

Kissing my neck.

Working me up to the point where I couldn’t take much more teasing.

I needed him.

In every way.

“I missed this.” He was touching the outside of my pussy, rubbing it with just a finger. After every few swipes, he would graze my clit and then focus on the top and sides. “I’ve fucking dreamed about this.”

“It’s yours.”

Something I couldn’t believe I could say—out loud, to his face—but it was true.

Since I’d met him on the commercial plane, Brady had mentally owned this body.

“Giving it to me, Lily, means I can do anything I want to it. You’d better think about that long and hard before you say those words to me again.”
