Page 79 of The Sinner

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His hand lifted to my cheek, his thumb rubbing my lip back and forth. “You keep forgetting who I am. The power I have. The resources that are at my disposal. Don’t worry about me, Lily. Worry about him because if that motherfucker touches you, he will die.”

Emotion was moving into my eyes.

It was falling over the rims of my eyelids.

“Brady …”

“Don’t let him do this to us.” He flattened his fingers over my cheek and moved his mouth closer. “I know what you want. I can feel it every time we’re together.”

He slid my hand to the left side of his chest. “Do you feel that? My heart is beating so fucking fast that it’s ready to come through my skin.” He pressed his forehead against mine. “That’s what you do to me. What no woman has ever done to me before. I’m not going to lose that because some asshole is spewing threats—or whatever bullshit he’s trying to fill you with. My bite is far deeper than his could ever be.” He pulled back and held my face up to his. “I’m not going to let him ruin anything between us.”

When the first tear dripped, he caught it.

“Brady …” I leaned my face into his hand, my body onto his, and I held on tighter than I ever had. Even though my brain was at war, the guilt was gnawing at me, the fear was flooding through me, I couldn’t ignore my feelings. “I care about you. So much.”

“I know.”

When our eyes finally locked again, I felt that beat that he’d described. I felt more tingles. I felt the plane start to descend, and even at that speed, I didn’t question if we’d be safe without being buckled into a seat. Because I knew—I felt that Brady wouldn’t let anything happen to us.

I wanted that.

I wanted him.

“I promise,” I whispered. “I won’t let him ruin anything.”



“You live in a palace,” Lily said.

She sat on the couch in my living room, a glass of wine in her hand, her feet tucked underneath her. We’d only been back at my place for about twenty minutes. She’d gotten a quick tour, which she’d asked for, and we ended up relaxing on the large sectional in the living room.

I wanted her in a spot where she didn’t have to think about anything or anyone. I hoped my house would give her that reprieve since she’d been a bit on edge during the plane’s landing and the ride here. I couldn’t blame her. That asshole wouldn’t leave her the fuck alone.

Something I was immediately putting a stop to.

“I don’t know if I’d call it that.” I took a sip of my scotch. “But I think I did a pretty good job building it.”

“You built this house?”

God, she was so fucking sexy. Even in her Dalton uniform with their logo sitting just above her tit—a shirt I couldn’t wait to rip off her. I had all the love for Dominick, his family, and their company, but I didn’t want his name anywhere on Lily’s body.

I nodded. “I bought the land, knocked down the existing house, worked with the architect on the blueprints, and oversaw the contractor and interior designer. Not a single inch of this home was built without my eyes on it.”

“A control freak or a perfectionist?” Her hand went to my arm as she smiled. “I’m kidding.”

“But it’s true. I’m very much a heavy mix of both.”

She pushed deeper into the pillow behind her. “For the record, you’re never coming over to my place.”

“And why’s that?”

She laughed. “I live in a hotel.”

My brows rose.

“I knew things were just temporary in LA,” she continued. “It seemed silly to sign a lease for such a short period of time. Plus, being there makes me feel like I’m not living alone.”
