Page 75 of The Sinner

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Both of us before were so drastically different from who we’d become since we found each other.

Did that make us perfect for one another?

Or stupid to think this could last?

“And you chose me?” I exhaled.

“It wasn’t really a choice. More like a need that would never go away.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a soft, sweet peck. The tingles immediately burst through my body, reminding me of the hold he had on me. Not that I needed the reminder. Everything he did just made me fall harder. But there was a giant elephant wedged between us, and it seemed wrong not to at least be honest about it.

“I have no idea if this can work.”

“But you want it to.”

“I do.”

“Then, that’s all I need to hear.”

He slammed our mouths together, his kiss rougher, needier than the one I’d given him. His hands left my cheeks and dived into my hair, pulling me closer to align our bodies. The hardness of his muscles was like iron beneath me. The heat from his skin was making me scorch. The scotch on his breath and the spiciness of his cologne—a combination I simply couldn’t get enough of.

I was being tugged between two directions. The desire to strip off this uniform and straddle his lap and ride us toward the release we both needed. Or to go to the galley and finish my duties, being the respectable, responsible Dalton employee that I was.

Before I was faced with even making that decision, the phone in the galley rang.

“Mmm,” I groaned as I pulled away from his mouth. “I have to answer that call.”

“You’re fucking kidding me.”

I laughed. “I wish I were.”

I wiggled out of his arms and rushed for the phone, listening to the pilot make his request. I assured him the plane would be ready to land and hung up, peeking my head into the cabin.

“Ten minutes until we’re on the ground.”

He looked feral as he said, “Get over here.”

“I can’t.” I smiled. “Not yet at least.”


I went to the counter, making sure everything was locked up and secured, and gathered my personal belongings from the drawer. My phone was on top. I hadn’t turned it back on since Brady had shut it off in my hotel room.

That was so many hours ago.

I was terrified to see the messages that were waiting for me.

Since I was going to his house after this, I probably wouldn’t have a lot of alone time. This was my only opportunity to face those messages head-on.

I didn’t want to look.

I didn’t want to torture myself.

But I also knew that if I didn’t respond, things had the potential of getting worse, and that wasn’t what I needed right now.

I held my breath as the home screen loaded, filling with all the notifications that had come in since last night in Edinburgh.

Five voice mails.
