Page 68 of The Sinner

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She was doing everything she could to push me away.

But I didn’t get up from the bed.

I rubbed her leg with one hand and pointed at my chest with the other. “You’ve seen this fucking body. Sand, mud, whatever it is, I’m stronger.” My hand stilled on her thigh as I smirked. “Nothing is going to drown me, Lily.”

Her fingers intertwined with mine. “The second my contract ends with the Daltons, I’m going to get another job, and there’s a very good chance it won’t be in LA.”

“I’ll worry about that when it happens.”

Because it wasn’t going to happen.

Lily wasn’t going anywhere.

“What else do you have for me?” I gave her a half smile.

As the seconds ticked by, the emotion grew over her face, but this round didn’t fill her eyes. It just made them narrow. It changed her breathing; it thinned out what I wished were a grin.

“You need to hear me when I say this … it’s not safe for you to be here.”

“In your room? With you?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“I like it when things are extra dangerous.”

“Brady, you’re not taking me seriously.”

I squeezed her hand. “You’re saying someone is going to whip my ass for being here with you. Once again, it doesn’t scare me.” I leaned in so our faces were only inches apart. “No one is going to touch me. Not with a whip or a fucking fist or even a gun.”

Was she talking about David?

I wasn’t going to ask; I didn’t want her to think I had been snooping around her phone. When she was ready to talk about him—or whomever she was inferring to—she would.

But it didn’t matter who it was or what they meant to Lily or what their past looked like; no one was going to jeopardize or threaten her safety or mine.

“You don’t even realize what you’re saying.”

As she breathed out through her nose, the air exhaling hard and fast, it hit my face.

The scent made my stomach growl.

“Listen to me.” I surrounded her hand with both of my palms. “I don’t think you realize who you’re talking to. You’re forgetting—or maybe you don’t know—that I’m a man with every resource at my disposal. Money is no object. I’ve dealt with assholes my entire life.”

The Cole brothers were who immediately came to mind, a duo who were slowly integrating into our family, but that wasn’t the way things had started off.

“Danger doesn’t turn me off, it turns me the fuck on. So, yes, I realize what I’m saying, and at some point, when you’re ready, I hope you’ll be comfortable enough to tell me what’s going on.” I kissed her without any hesitation. “But until then, that doesn’t change how much I want you, Lily. The only person who’s going to stop me from having you is you.”

She was quiet while she stared at me. “What that entails and what you’re signing up for—it isn’t light by any means.”

She didn’t kick me out. She didn’t tell me she didn’t want me.

She gave me a solid reply instead, one that had me moving even closer to her body.

“I’m still here.” I smiled.

“And if it gets worse?”

I kissed the back of the hand I was holding. “You’re worth it.”
