Page 56 of The Sinner

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Something that would alleviate this situation.

But what could I say?

Another lie?

The truth? A truth I couldn’t give him.


“You don’t have to answer me now.” His stare intensified, which I hadn’t thought was even possible. “We have a very long journey ahead of us. Hours that we’ll be spending together. And since I’m your only passenger for this trip, you’ll have plenty of time to explain yourself.” He began to walk up the steps. “I’ll see you inside, Lily.”



Lily left the galley with a tumbler in her hand and a look on her face that was slightly timid and a whole lot of shy. I tried to give her privacy and not watch her walk the entire way over to me, but with my head down, I could still see her, even if it was only in my mind.

I could feel her.

I could smell her.

She set my second scotch on the table beside me, and as she went to take her hand back, I captured it.

Partly for me. I needed to touch her, to get a sense of her skin and its temperature, and to remind myself why I’d arranged to take Dominick’s plane to Scotland just to have a conversation with her.

Had I fucking lost it?

I searched for that answer as I held her.

Her flesh was warm, on the verge of hot, despite the plane being cold.

I waited to feel a tug, a clench, a stiffening.

None of that happened, nor did she pull away from me.

It almost felt as if her fingers collapsed, like she was giving me the weight of her hand.

She wanted to stay in my grasp.

No, I hadn’t fucking lost it.

The phone number was one thing, but the way she responded to my presence was something entirely different.

I released her and said, “Why don’t you pour yourself a drink?”

The monitor that hung on the wall showed a digital map of the flight’s progress. We were somewhere over Arizona. I’d given her plenty of time to do the shit she needed to around the plane, for her to settle her thoughts since she’d looked like a deer in fucking headlights when I got out of the car. Maybe now, assuming she was calmer, we could really talk.

“I can’t.” She paused. “I’m working.”

I glanced around the cabin. “Who’s going to tell on you?”

Her fingers cinched her waist. “What would happen if there was an emergency landing? I can’t be half in the bag while being responsible for?—”

“One scotch isn’t going to knock you on your ass, Lily.”

What I hoped it would do was take the edge off.

There was a hell of a lot that I didn’t know about her, but what I did know was that she was unlike most women. And what I couldn’t figure out was her mysterious side, why a glance at her phone caused her entire mood to change.
