Page 54 of The Sinner

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But that was no longer the case.

I needed to be in the air as much as possible, and the commercial airlines placed restrictions on how often you could work and fly.

At least if I continued in the private sector, working for businesses or families, my off time wouldn’t necessarily be at my home base. It could be on overnight trips, like the one I’d done in Tampa and the many others I’d completed prior.

But no matter what, regardless of who I worked for or where I flew to, I’d be chained to a hotel room. At least they would be different rooms, in different parts of the world, looking at different sights through the window.

I didn’t know why, but that sounded better than any alternative.

The best part about my present job was that the family was constantly flying. There were times when we landed in LA and immediately flew out less than an hour later.

That was the situation for today.

We had just returned from a trip to Boston, where Camden Dalton and Declan Shaw were representing Hooked, the famous hook-up app. It had been impossible not to overhear them discussing the case during both flights, but my NDA prevented me from ever breathing a word about it. We were only going to be parked in LA for about thirty minutes, just long enough for the pilots to swap out, fuel up, for me to clean down the interior of the plane, restock the food and drinks, and our new passengers would be on board.

Out of all places, we were headed to Edinburgh.

Not that the location surprised me since I’d already flown internationally multiple times with the family.

It was just a place that triggered many memories.

The thoughts in my head were so loud. The images so vivid—of when I’d knocked on his door, and when he’d placed me against the wall, and the number of times he’d made me come.

The magic in his fingers, his tongue, his dick.

My entire body was tingling by the time I finished wiping down the seats, my last task before I could focus on the paperwork that needed to be processed prior to taking off. I placed the microfiber towels into the laundry bin and lifted the pile of papers into my hand. I reviewed the details that were outlined and signed off, carrying the stack to the cockpit to give to the pilots for their signatures.

As I was passing the boarding door, an SUV was pulling up on the tarmac, which I knew had the passengers inside. The stairs had already been lowered; the red carpet was positioned at the bottom. For them, everything outside was ready to go.

I quickly set the papers in between the pilots so they could give the information a thorough read and said, “Looks like our passengers have arrived.”

One of the pilots turned around to look at me. “Would you mind welcoming them at the bottom of the stairs? We still have some preflight checks we need to finish.”

“I’m happy to,” I replied.

From the doorway, I gave the interior a quick scan, making sure everything was in place, that I hadn’t forgotten a bottle of cleaner on one of the seats or left a dirty glass on a table. Satisfied with what I saw, I ran my fingers through the sides of my hair and swiped around my lips and the corners of my eyes since I didn’t have time to check my appearance in the restroom, and I descended the stairs.

The SUV came to a stop only feet from the carpet. The driver got out first, moving to the backseat to open the door. The way the vehicle was positioned, I wasn’t able to see inside, especially with its dark-tinted windows. But I was curious as to who would be flying with us today.

I hadn’t worked for the Daltons nearly as long as Aubrey, but considering how much time I spent with them, I knew them well enough to have favorites and preferences due to who was nicer and less demanding. For a location as far as Edinburgh, I hoped the group who was coming was on the less-demanding end.

As I waited, my fingers intertwined, my back straightened, my feet rocked over the short heels.

Beneath the door, a shoe hit the ground. Shiny black. A second one followed before a head towered over the top of the door, eyes immediately connecting with mine.

Eyes that were light blue.

A head that was covered in black hair.

A face with tanned skin.

Lips that I knew fondly.

My stomach flipped.

My chest tightened like it was a rubber balloon on the verge of exceeding its air capacity.

