Page 40 of The Sinner

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And that was when I began to lick again.

But I wasn’t calm.

I wasn’t slow.

I gave her hard, fast flicks with the front half of my tongue, pressing my finger in and out of her, and within a second, she was screaming.

“Brady! Ahhh!”

It wasn’t just the noise that made my hard-on ache.

It was the sight of her body shuddering.

The way her cunt narrowed against my skin.

How her wetness thickened and I got to taste her orgasm and lick it off her.

“Oh my God!” She released my hair, her palm flattening on my head. “Don’t stop!”

She didn’t have to worry; I wasn’t stopping until she stilled.

But I kept my eyes open, staring up her body to watch the entire thing, taking in every jitter and vibration. It was one hell of a view.

Beautiful and sexy.

Enticing as fuck.

And when her body calmed, the shouting finally quieted, her breath now coming out in pants, I carefully pulled my hand away, rubbing my nose against her clit before I completely separated us.

“That was”—she gasped again—“pure fucking evil.” She looked down, her eyes wild like a goddamn animal, hair a mess, cheeks red, lips wet and apart. “I don’t know whether I want to kill you or if I’m completely in love with you.” Her hand went to her mouth, her eyes wide. “I didn’t mean to say that—like that.”

But she’d said it, and the word took hold of me.

Rocked me.

It was just a statement from someone who was still in that postorgasmic heat, but still … fuck me.

“Let’s go with kill.” I’d already taken off my shirt, but I was still wearing my jeans, so I reached into my pocket to get my wallet, grabbing the condom from inside. I put the wallet away, loosened my belt, button, and zipper, and I let my pants fall while I stepped out of my shoes. The only thing left was my boxer briefs. Since she was still on the end of the bed, I moved within a distance that she could reach. “Why don’t you show me what you can do with your mouth?”

A smile came over her lips. “Should I punish you?”

My boxer briefs were suddenly around my ankles, my dick pointed at her mouth.

“You can. But you’d regret it.”

“So, this is one-sided?” She wrapped her hand around the bottom of my shaft and began to stroke.

“I made it clear why you were getting punished. Me? I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“That’s what you call the last however many minutes?” She licked across my tip.

I hissed from how good it felt.

“Because not letting me come for that long makes you guilty as hell.” She gave my crown a quick suck. “I think I should put you through the same thing you just did to me.”

My eyes narrowed as I clamped her cheeks with both hands. “Try it. I dare you.”

“You’re threatening me, Mr. Spade.”
