Page 159 of The Sinner

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“Hey, handsome.” She nodded toward the folder. “What’s that?”

“A present.”

She grinned. “Because you haven’t given me enough already.”

I closed the sliding doors. “Baby, you know I’ll never stop giving you everything. Spoiling you is my hobby.”

“But you’ve already given me the world.”

I made my way down the steps of the pool and walked over to her, handing her the folder. “Here’s something to add to your world.”

“What is it?”

“Open it,” I instructed.

She didn’t want to drag her gaze away from mine. I could tell by her smile, the quirkiness across her lips. But she eventually moved to the side of the pool, where she set the folder on the edge. She then shook her hands in the air to dry them off and finally opened the lid.

“Brady … oh my God. You didn’t …” she panted. “You did!”

I moved in behind her, resting my chin on her shoulder, her ass brushing my dick. I was doing everything in my fucking power not to get a hard-on again. That moment could come after, but not now.

“I think I’m in shock,” she continued. “I’m most definitely in awe. And speechless—add speechless to that list.” She gradually turned around to face me. “You are …” She scanned my eyes. “I don’t even know. You’re just everything.”

“Everything you’ve ever wanted?” My hands lowered to her hips and went around to her lower back.

“That goes without saying.”

“How about you’re in love with our new home?”

Her head shook as she stared at me. “I’m more than in love with it.” Her eyes continued to search mine. “I cannot believe you bought us a house in Edinburgh.”

“I told you I was going to.”

“No, you told me that when money is no object, it’s hard not to be extra and that I could think about that purchase.”

I chuckled. “You have me there.” My hand lifted to her face. “One of the things I’ve tried hard not to do is make decisions for you. At one point in your life, you weren’t allowed to make any. I’ll always be the man who gives you choices, not the one who takes them away.” My other hand rose, but I kept it behind her, holding the back of her head. “I bought Scotland without asking you first, but let me explain that even though it’s a gift to you, Lily, it’s more of a gift for me.”

I lifted her out of the pool and set her on the ledge next to the paperwork, separating her legs so I could move in between them. “We spent over seven months in Edinburgh, and every time we were there, when things in our life changed, when the evil was finally gone, I saw something in you. On your face. In your eyes. In the way your lips pulled wide every time you looked around the city.”

I wrapped an arm across her back while I kept the other one behind me. “LA isn’t your favorite town. You’ve never said that, but I know. Atlanta will never be your home again—I know that too. What I love about Edinburgh is the way it looks on you. How happy it makes you. How you feel comfortable in that space. How you’ve even made friends there. And in return, that makes me the most content man alive.” I paused, watching the sun glow across her skin. “Seeing you that way, feeling you that way—that’s all I want. So, yes, I gave you a home there. A place outside the hotel that you can make into our escape, our bit of paradise. But knowing you’re filled with that much pleasure is really the biggest present I could ever have.”

She whispered my name, running her hand over the top of my hair and around to my scruff. “I’m the luckiest woman alive.”

“Woman …” I said. “I’d rather you call yourself my wife.”

“You and that wife nonsense—” Her voice cut off, her eyes widened, her hand immediately covered her mouth as she saw the diamond ring I was holding in her lap.

I didn’t fuck with the box; the pool would have made that too tricky. So, I just held the platinum band that was embedded with over a carat and a half of diamonds and a five-carat oval in the center and set it against her thigh.

A ring I’d designed myself.

I’d planned candlelight. Rose petals. A location on the Gulf of Thailand that would have music and a photographer, scheduled to take place in a few weeks.

But it wasn’t nearly as private as this.

I knew my girl. She would rather have this moment with just us. Naked. In our pool without a single spectator or a camera from the photographer flashing in her face.

“Lily Roy,” I said softly as I looked into her eyes, “I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life protecting you. Having children with you. Making memories like this with you. Loving you.” The first drip was sliding down her cheek as I added, “There has never been a question in my mind. You are mine.” I smiled. “But the choice is yours, baby. So, I’m going to ask you, will you become my wife and I will be yours forever?”
