Page 149 of The Sinner

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He folded his hands in his lap. “With a bullet.”


His brows rose, his forehead folding with deep lines. “Where am I going to put the bullet, or where am I going to take him to do it?”

“The latter,” I said.

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Then, when are you going to do it?”

He tapped the side of his head, like he was scrolling through an invisible calendar there. “Within a week. David’s case isn’t overly messy, so I can work within a short time frame. But there’re some loose ends I’ll need to tie up in his home in Atlanta. I need to clean his phone. And I need to make sure his family—whose ties are thin, but they still have ties—doesn’t connect any of this to you or Lily.”

I hadn’t mentioned Lily’s name to him, but I wasn’t shocked to hear that he knew it or where David lived or his family’s affiliation.

There probably wasn’t anything in this world that Bale wasn’t privy to.

“I have a request,” I told him.

“What is it?”

From the moment Dominick had given me this option, I’d thought about every detail of this. I’d analyzed all the layers. I’d considered every scenario.

I knew what I wanted.

Now, I needed Bale to give it to me.

“I want to be the one who pulls the trigger.”

“Absolutely not.” His voice wasn’t a bark, but it came out with a serious, caustic bite.

“Why the hell not?”

He set his hands on the steering wheel. “Clients are liabilities. I don’t work with them, I work for them, and I only work alone.”

“Make an exception.”

He shook his head. “My answer won’t change.”


“Brady, listen to me. You might think you’re comfortable holding a gun in your hand and pulling the trigger and putting a bullet in a man’s skull. But when it comes down to it, it’s nothing like it sounds. Trust me, I’ve been doing this a long time.” His voice echoed in my ears. “These jobs come with risks. Timing. I’m not willing to ruin a job over a client having an emotional crisis seconds before the mark is to be killed.”

“Are you going to send me proof that he’s dead?”

“Proof? Another liability.” He let out a shallow laugh. “This job will be untraceable. No, I will not send you proof.”

“Then, I don’t know if I can do this, Bale. I need to be able to close my eyes at night and know this man isn’t going to kill Lily, my family, or me. It’s not that I won’t take your word for it. But without being there, without seeing, I can’t?—”

“Fine …” He released a long, loud sigh, and I could feel his annoyance from the other side of the car. “I have an idea.”


How do you know I’m not going to blow up your house? You think you’re keeping her safe, but you don’t know me at all. You don’t know what I’m fucking capable of.


If you’ve ever questioned why I’m protecting her from you, it’s because of that statement right there.
