Page 133 of The Sinner

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How that blood would be on my hands for the rest of my fucking life.

But I saw no other way around it. If I couldn’t go to the police, who else was going to make sure the bastard didn’t hurt Lily?

“I don’t have any other option,” I admitted.

“But you do, my friend.” He glanced toward his office door before he moved his chair in closer. “You know my buddy Brett Young?”

It took a moment to move the anger aside and focus on something besides David and what I planned to do to him.

“The entertainment agent. Of course I know him.” I’d seen him at plenty of Dominick’s parties. We were acquaintances, but we’d never hung out personally.

“Yes, him. Now, stay with me because this is going to get a little convoluted.” He folded his hands together. “One of Brett’s partners is a woman named Scarlett Davis. Scarlett’s best friend is Pepper Michaels. Does Pepper’s name ring a bell?”

My teeth ground against each other. “What does this have to do with me?”

“Trust me, Brady.” He nodded toward me. “Have you heard of Pepper?”

“Fuck, you’re making me think.” My head dropped toward my legs as I silently repeated her name, waiting for it to hit me. When it did, I said, “She’s the owner of the sex club, isn’t she?”

I’d never been, but I knew several guys who had checked it out and spent some time there.

“Yes, that’s her.” He reached to the bottom of his desk, where I assumed was a keypad because I heard the beeps as he tapped the different buttons. When his hand returned, he was holding a small black card that he pushed across his desk toward me. On it was a phone number written in white ink. “Pepper’s boyfriend, Bale, is who you need to talk to. That’s his number.”

“Who the fuck is Bale?”

He slowly licked his lips. “The man who’s going to make this all go away.”

“And you keep his number locked in your desk?” I took several deep breaths.

His smirk was the kind of reply I was looking for. “You never know when you might need it. It came in handy today, didn’t it?” He tapped his desk, his eyes narrowing. “Do yourself a favor—don’t call him unless you’re absolutely ready.” He leaned in even closer to me. “Because once you talk to him, there’s no turning back.”

I held the card, flipping it to check the other side, but there was nothing else written on it. “You’re guaranteeing me that he’ll get rid of David? You’re positive about that?”

Dominick smiled. “I’ve never been surer about anything in my life.”

The way he spoke those words was haunting.

I could feel them inside my body.

I could still hear them in my head.

Dominick was my closest bud, and we were always honest with each other. Something told me that if I asked him who else he’d given this card to, he wouldn’t tell me, nor would he admit that he’d ever given it out before.

But what I knew was that he wouldn’t bullshit me.

I’d come to him for help.

And he’d just given me everything I needed.

“So, I just dial his number and …” My voice trailed off to let him fill in the blank.

“And follow his instructions when he answers—and he will, regardless of what time you call. You’ll pay a fee, he’ll give you a time frame, and you’ll be given proof that the job was done.”

I stared at his digits again. “It’s that easy.”


His reply made me look at him again.
