Page 121 of The Sinner

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Of his cock driving in and out of me, covered in a glistening slickness.

And of his face as the pleasure spread across it.

My God, he was handsome, especially when he was having an orgasm.

Like he was now.

“Lily …” He dragged my name out in multiple syllables, getting deeper as his growl turned louder. “You’d better fucking come.”

He didn’t have to order that demand.

I was there.

Shouting, “I am!”

The beat was climbing, summiting, a steady pulse that had me yelling his name over and over. I was paralyzed by the euphoria torturously running through me. Rapture so intense that I was lost.

I was locked.

I was over capacity.


“Fuck yes,” he crooned. “Make me feel it.” His pounding transformed into quick, sharp thrusts. “Milk my fucking cock.”

I didn’t know what my body was doing to him internally. I only knew how I was feeling, how loud I was shouting, how I was quivering from every part of me. And as those tremors slipped through me, he was clinching me tighter, stroking me harder, emptying himself inside me.

I knew because I could feel it.

The way the wetness was increasing.

The way it was thickening.

And, oh shit, there was nothing hotter.

“Brady, yes!”

“You like that, don’t you?” He held my face with so much strength. “You fucking love when I fill you with my cum.”

My arms rotated around his neck, my legs doing the same to his waist while I moaned, “Give me more of it.”

And he did.

Several more strokes’ worth until we were both completely still.



And, dare I say, satiated for the moment.

“You are … something else.” I laughed.

He cupped my chin. “I’m going to bring you into the shower and clean the wine and cum off your pussy, and then we’re coming back out here and finishing that meal.”

“Love that idea.” I smiled. “But I’m surprised you’re still hungry after all that eating.”

He gave me a quick kiss and bent over to pick up the clothes he’d stripped off us. “Don’t tempt me, Lily. I can easily go for another round after our shower.”
