Page 112 of The Sinner

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“I’m dying to know where you’re taking me,” I said to Brady from the backseat of the SUV, the one that had picked us up directly after landing in Dallas.

The pilots and Diesel had stayed on the plane—something I found so odd—while only Brady and I took off. Things became even stranger when, so far, we hadn’t left the grounds of the airport. Every time I thought we were going to turn off onto the main road, we just continued to circle.

“Let’s say I’m tapping into your knowledge of aircrafts.”

His eyes were an even lighter blue in the sun.

“My knowledge?” I laughed.

His fingers dived into the back of my hair. “With the number of years you have in your career, you know things from a perspective that I don’t.”


“What size cabin comfortably fits a certain amount of people. What type of storage is beneficial in the galley. What’s the most practical layout for the main cabin. Shit like that.”

“And why do you need that kind of information?”

The SUV came to a stop, and I peeked through the windshield. We were parked in front of a hangar where two men, professionally dressed, were waiting outside.

“Because I’m buying a plane.”

The driver opened the backseat door.

And that was when Brady nodded toward the outside and said, “After you, my expert.”

“You could certainly come up with a better title than that, couldn’t you?” I winked at him.

“Are you sure you want me to? Because the title I come up with isn’t going to be appropriate, and the last thing I want to do is to get you wet right now”—he tightened his grip on the back of my head—“and not be able to get you off for the next couple of hours.”

A man who endlessly took care of me—not only mentally, but physically too.

Unicorns really did exist.

“That would be cruel.” I smiled. “Let’s go with expert, then. I kinda like the sound of that anyway.”

I giggled as I climbed out, waiting for Brady to join me, and he walked me toward the men.

Introductions were quickly made, and I learned that one was the CEO of the aviation company while the other was the head of manufacturing. As we entered the large, oversized hangar, we were joined by the director of sales.

Although the majority of my experience was in commercial flying, I knew my way around an aircraft of any size and could easily answer the questions Brady asked as we toured the private jets in their fleet. There were seven for us to look at. Each one was a bit different in engine size, capacity, and layout. But it was almost as though the company knew exactly what plane would suit Brady’s needs the most and saved that one for last.

As soon as we entered the final jet, there was no question in my mind that this was the plane he needed to purchase. Pure luxury, with details and finishes that had been selected by someone with an impeccable eye for design. An interior that would not only fit him, his family, his coworkers—whoever he needed to bring on board—but would also be a functional space to get work done, sleep, and even host a meeting.

The head of manufacturing finished the tour after pointing out all the important features, and Brady told the group he needed a moment alone with me to chat. The two men and woman departed the jet, leaving Brady and me in the center of the main cabin.

I took a seat next to him on one of the soft, buttery leather couches as he asked, “What do you think of their planes?”

“I can’t comment on the engine or the cockpit—that’s out of my realm of knowledge. But I can tell you that from the boarding door to the galley, these planes are gorgeous. And in comparison to the Daltons’ jet, in my opinion, the ones we just toured are better.”

“Wouldn’t that bite Dominick’s ass if he’d just overheard you?”

I laughed. “Let’s keep that a secret between us, okay?”

He gave me a smile. “Do you have a favorite out of the seven?”
