Page 110 of The Sinner

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She set her arms on my shoulders. “But I am. That’s always the case when it comes to your decisions and the way they make me feel. Especially because you were with me last night and early this morning, and since this is only a day trip, you’ll probably be with me tonight too.” I went to reply, and she continued, “You’re not sick of me yet?”

“Not even a little.”

She nipped her lip. “I thought I was the only one who couldn’t get enough. I’m glad I’m not alone.”

I kissed her, making it last long enough that I not only took her breath away, but also reminded her that her lips were mine. “I’ll let you finish up here. I’ve got some work to do.”

“Do you want anything? A drink? Food?”

“Just some coffee, but don’t rush. I’ve already had one. I don’t need a second one anytime soon. Do your thing and come join me when you’re done.”

“Can I tell you a secret?”

I nodded.

She traced her hands down my chest, moving slowly before they fell to her sides. “Knowing you’re the kind of man who would book a jet just to have me as your flight attendant makes me want you even more. And more is a word that, well, I didn’t think was possible.”

“I’ll remember that tonight.” I rubbed my thumb over her cheek, giving her a smirk, and I joined Diesel in the main cabin. “How are you doing, buddy?”

“All’s good, my man.”

Since our Vegas hotel was a casino, our IT department had developed software that scanned the faces of everyone who entered our gaming area, ensuring guests weren’t wearing disguises to try to hide their identities. When a player was banned from our casino for reasons like cheating, card counting, or acting inappropriately, they were not allowed back. That didn’t stop them from wearing fake facial hair, wigs, glasses, or hats in an attempt to throw us off.

When I’d spoken to the head of security of that hotel, I’d told him to use that software to comb through the video footage from Beverly Hills to check if David was the one to enter the hotel or if, at any point, he’d tried to hide who he was.

Knowledge, especially when it came to this motherfucker, was power.

The head of security had worked all night on this project. He raked through all the video feed—not just for the last forty-eight hours, but since the day Lily had moved in.

He’d emailed me his findings this morning while I was on my way to the airport.

Findings I didn’t fucking like.

“We have a bigger problem on our hands than I originally thought,” I told Diesel, keeping my voice low.

He didn’t have a phone, a tablet, or even a newspaper in his hands—when this plane was grounded, his eyes were on the interior and exterior of the jet to protect Lily. So, when I spoke, it took less than a second before he looked at me.

“Tell me the details.” He crossed his massive tree-trunk legs.

“As you know, Lily got a package of photographs delivered to the hotel.”

Diesel hadn’t just been told about the photos; he’d been sent copies since, in each of the locations they’d been taken, Diesel had been with Lily.

“I just found out that David was the one who delivered the package to the front desk.”

“I was sure it was a gofer.”

I turned on the couch to face him, moving my laptop bag off my shoulder and onto the seat beside me. “I was too.” I glanced at the galley, hearing Lily working back there, but not seeing her. “Lily didn’t agree; she knew it was him, but, fuck, I couldn’t imagine this asshole coming all the way to the West Coast to hand-deliver some photos. Which then got me thinking. Was he the one taking them, or was he having someone else do the work?”

“Don’t even fucking tell me,” Diesel groaned. “It’s been him all along, hasn’t it?”

His voice was even large, carrying across the entire cabin, loud enough that Lily poked her head in and said, “Is everything all right?” She glanced from me to Diesel and then back to me. “You’re talking about David, aren’t you?” Instead of waiting for a response, she came closer and sat on the other side of my laptop. “What happened?”

I didn’t want to hide anything from her.

At the same time, I didn’t want to make her more anxious about the situation than she already was.

I kept my posture relaxed and my voice even-toned as I said, “It’s been confirmed that it was David who delivered the package to the hotel. He attempted to go incognito, wearing a hat and a mustache, he doesn’t have facial hair in any of the pictures we have of him, so we know he was trying to fool us.”
