Page 106 of The Sinner

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“No, nothing.”

I swore there was smoke coming out of his nose when he replied, “Stay right here. Don’t move.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to fucking fire someone.”

Before I could say another word, he was getting out of the car. He pulled one of the bellboys aside, their conversation brief, and while Brady disappeared inside the hotel, the bellboy positioned himself in front of Brady’s vehicle. He looked in all directions, just like Diesel did whenever he was with me, which told me he was standing guard.

Oh God.

I felt awful.

My intention certainly hadn’t been to get anyone fired. But when it came to David, I felt I needed to be fully transparent with Brady. I didn’t want any surprises, and I knew he didn’t either, so there was no way I could refrain from telling him about the photographs.

But really, they had come completely out of the blue. I hadn’t heard a thing from David for the last few weeks. A break that was needed and appreciated.

In the time that had passed, my gut told me he wasn’t gone.

A feeling that was similar to an invasion.

That somehow, some way, he was still here.



Which I now knew was true.

What I didn’t know was David’s next move. That was the scary part. Because as loud as these pictures were, his silence was alarming.

When I couldn’t look at the door for another second, waiting for Brady to return, I took out my phone to text Aubrey. Anything to get my mind off this.


How’s the babe?


He’s still the gold medal winner of crying. Dear Lord, I hope it stops soon. Aside from that, he’s an adorable, very hungry, very poo-ey machine. And I’m a very tired and very in-love mama.


Aw! I need to snuggle him soon.


I’m home for one more week. Come anytime—you know that.


Your maternity leave flew by, girl.


For you. Not for me. LOL.

