Page 104 of The Sinner

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Iwasn’t even all the way through the lobby, clinging to the small envelope that had just been placed in my hand, when one of the hotel employees noted my direction and rushed over to the exit to open it for me. I thanked him on my way out the door, where Brady was parked along the curb, another employee meeting me at the passenger side of Brady’s Maserati, opening it enough to give me room to climb in.

It wasn’t just the boss who made me feel like a queen; it was everyone who worked here too.

But today, they could try their hardest, and it still wouldn’t take away the anxiety that was eating at my stomach.

“There’s my gorgeous girl,” Brady said before my butt even hit the seat.

He spoke like he hadn’t seen me in months.

But that simply wasn’t the case. The last several weeks had been full of encounters like this one. Pockets of time off, in between my flights with the Daltons, filled with nothing but him.

With a hand that wouldn’t stop shaking, I secured the seat belt around me and attempted a smile as I finished. “Hello to you too.”

He took in every inch of me before his gaze returned to my face. Still, the car stayed parked right where it was, showing he was in no hurry to leave.

“That’s new, isn’t it?” He nodded toward my dress.

I searched for air as I whispered, “It is.”

Despite how I was feeling, I still couldn’t believe he’d noticed.

Since we’d started dating, he’d seen almost my whole wardrobe. I’d lived in a uniform from the very beginning of my career, so I kept it casual during my downtime. An excessive amount of clothes had never been a priority. But once Diesel had become my bodyguard, I’d found myself doing much more exploring, and with that came shopping.

“Did you get that dress in Charleston?”

The last location I’d been with the Daltons, this time on a trip with Jenner that was for only one night before we returned to LA this afternoon.

“Yes, on King Street. Jo suggested I go there, she said it has the best shopping.”

“Light pink. That’s not like you at all.” His hand was on my neck, just below my jaw, his fingers brushing my skin, as if he was trying to warm me.

I glanced down the front of me. The shade and color were very outside my box. I wasn’t one for pastels. I liked boldness. I also wasn’t one for pink. I preferred jewel tones. Poor Diesel had stood inside the store with me for far too long while I debated over several different dresses, eventually picking this one.

“I guess I wanted to try something different.”

He nodded his head as he did another sweep. “And it worked. So fucking well.” His stare was unhurried, like swinging in a hammock on a spring Sunday afternoon. “Kiss me.”

“You know I have lipstick on.”

He moved closer. “You know I don’t care.”

A trait I hadn’t realized I was looking for until I met Brady. A man who was unafraid to get his lips stained in public—that was how much he wanted to kiss me.

I could only hope the sensation of his lips would force the anxiousness to die down. It would be short-lived. Once I gave him this envelope, the feeling was going to quickly return.

Our faces met in the center of the car, our lips aligning, a hunger coming from him. He didn’t care that his employees were rushing past us in both directions, helping guests with their luggage and parking cars.

He just wanted this embrace.

Here and now.

And that was something I would never grow tired of, even if my head, at this very moment, wasn’t in a good place.

“Do you want to know one of the sexiest sights?” he asked as he pulled away.

