Page 10 of The Sinner

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Turmoil that still very much lived inside me.

So, I had to wonder why I’d gotten into a taxi and why I was opening the door to the backseat as the cab came to a stop in front of Brady’s hotel.

If anything, my past made this decision even more confusing.

But as I’d stripped off my uniform about an hour ago, and gotten into the shower, and changed into jeans and a sweater—the only other clothes I’d brought with me—I’d told myself I was finally going to do something for me.

Tonight, I was going to attempt to forget David.

I was going to get out of my head, even if it was for a short period of time, and enjoy some unattached sex with a stranger who had promised to please me in ways I’d probably never experienced before.

As I walked into the lobby of the hotel, the tingle I’d felt on the plane returned. Still, I couldn’t help but glance behind me, inventorying the people standing by the front desk and sitting on the chairs and couches in the center of the lobby and those alone, occupied by their phones or tablets. The throb between my legs completely consumed me as I went into the elevator, waiting for the doors to close before I hit the button for the top floor. My breath fully hitched as I found his door, my hand hovering above it.

Who am I right now?

I was someone who needed to relax and put her body first.

Someone who needed to think about how many orgasms she was going to have rather than her past.

Once I knocked, several seconds passed, and there still wasn’t a response, nor did I hear any noise coming from inside his room.

Maybe he’d gone to sleep, and I missed my window.

Maybe he had gotten tired of waiting for me and went out.


The door opened, his face appearing in the crack. A smile immediately met my line of sight, and as the door became more ajar, I saw his chest.

His chiseled abs.

The trail of hair that led to the towel wrapped around his waist.

“You timed that perfectly.”

His voice caused my stare to rise, but it didn’t settle on his face for long.

It couldn’t.

There was far too much of his body to look at.

The cords of muscle within his arms and pecs and abdomen. The veins that pulsed. The way each section was so defined, so clearly outlined, that I felt weightless, standing in front of him. The dusting of hair on each part only added to his masculinity.

A man who didn’t just spoil himself with his power and money, but also took care of himself in ways that produced this.

This … perfection.

“Take your time. We have all day and night.”

I cleared my throat, my gaze lifting once again, embarrassed that he’d caught me not once, but now twice. “I’m sorry.”

“For what? You can take me in all you want. That’s precisely what I was doing on the plane every time my eyes landed on you.”

I swallowed, attempting to find my voice. “Except you’re naked.”

“I’m in a towel.” Which then dropped to the floor, the hand that was holding it falling to his side. “Now, I’m naked.”

I sucked in as much air as my lungs could hold and felt my eyes bulge. I was positive I looked like one of those cartoons, my neck craned back, my eyes so wide that they were protruding.
