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She glanced at the pregnancy test that sat on our dresser. She had just put it there, so it was too early for a result yet. For the next three minutes, our future hung in the balance.

It went without saying that this was not in the plan.

Juliet rubbed her face. She’d been exhausted lately, and her appetite was off. Her boobs were sore, and though I would never tell her—I valued my testicles too much—her sexy belly had expanded to a slightly larger size. I only knew because I was more familiar with that belly than I was any part of my own body. I got my hands onto it every time I had the opportunity.

“If I’m pregnant,” Juliet said, almost stumbling on the word, “it’s because of you. So in my book, it’s your fault.”

“You were supposed to be on the pill,” I pointed out.

“I forgot, okay?” She made an exasperated hand gesture. “It was only for two days. I was on tour, and the schedule was crazy, and it slipped my mind. Two days isn’t supposed to matter, and you weren’t even there! And then you showed up in Boston to surprise me, and you just had to be romantic and perfect, and I’m in love with you and I missed you. And then you got naked. I was supposed to say no? I am not pregnant. But if I was, it’s definitely on you.”

“I wasn’t trying to get you pregnant,” I said. “I can’t help myself around you. You know that. I haven’t been able to keep my hands off you for two years. I’m flying all over the country, following you around, just for the chance to see my own wife naked. That’s your fault.”

“You didn’t have to have powerful super sperm!” she cried.

“You didn’t have to be so fertile that you get knocked up when your pill is half an hour late.”

She glanced at the test on the dresser again. I watched panic flit across her expression, but it wasn’t only panic. It was mixed with a crazy kind of hope.

I knew the feeling.

We’d had an incredible two years, Juliet and me. We both had great careers, and when we were home, we were happy in this house, with our dog. My health was good. Juliet was closer to Vicki and her mother than she’d ever been, and I was close to Alistair. We loved their kids. Last year, we’d all gone to Josie and Tina’s wedding, and Josie had cried when she saw the donation I’d made in her honor.

Then Juliet and I had got married, too. We’d had a fun conversation about making our wedding a big deal just to get revenge on Vicki and Alistair, but we just couldn’t do it. We didn’t care about big weddings. We’d had a small, quiet ceremony, and it was the happiest day of my life. My heart still skipped a beat sometimes when I saw my ring on her finger, or her ring on mine.

Juliet had rebuilt her friendship with Nicole, and she had also made friends with the Road Kings’ wives and girlfriends. Since I worked with the Road Kings regularly as a producer, we both spent a lot of time at RKS. At home, we played music in our music room—I finally got to jam with Juliet Barstow and have her laugh at my subpar bass skills. We had a full life, and we hadn’t made plans to add children to it. We hadn’t even discussed it. We were too busy having fun.

And now this had happened.

I knew in my bones that Juliet was pregnant. It was a sixth sense, or maybe some kind of pheromone given off by my wife. She was changing. Her body was different in small ways that only I knew. We hadn’t planned this, but it was happening. The only question was what we would do.

“A baby isn’t supposed to happen,” Juliet said, her voice trembling as she echoed my thoughts.

“Okay, but what if it is? What do we do?”

She rubbed a thumb over her bottom lip. Juliet’s hair was longer now, and her look was a little softer. She didn’t wear dark eyeliner as often, and she had fewer thrift store finds in her wardrobe. She wouldn’t let me buy her expensive things, though, and I didn’t try, because she was hot in anything she chose.

“If it’s happening,” she said, “I guess we have to redo the spare bedroom.”

My heart sped up. “So we just…have a baby? How do we do that?”

“You’re asking me?” Her eyes went wide. “Finn, it’s going to come out of me. An entire person.”

“That’s insane.”

“Completely. You came to see me in Boston, and then we made a whole-ass person.”

Our gazes locked, and we cracked up. Maybe it was the tension, maybe it was terror, but it was also how crazy it sounded when she put it that way. Who makes people? Everyone who has kids, apparently.

We were panicking, certainly. But even as I caught my breath, I thought, I’m panicking with this woman and no one else, because she’s the love of my life. This is the only person I want to be on the roller coaster with, and no matter what happens, I’m so happy to be here, with her.

Juliet regained her composure and wiped tears from the corners of her eyes. “Okay, well, let’s get this over with.”

She picked up the test. Her eyes went wide. “Two lines,” she whispered.

My world flipped end over end, and the rush of joy was like nothing I’d ever felt. We were going to be parents? Us? I was going to be a father?

Juliet launched herself at me, and then she was in my arms. I squeezed her tight as she dug her face into the side of my neck. “Oh, shit,” she said, choking the words through tears.
