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We stared at each other, speechless. Mom had been so adamant that Tina should come to this wedding and meet everyone. It was so important to her. She’d wanted to impress Tina, and she’d wanted us to get along. I’d never known her to date a man since Dad. And Tina was plenty rich enough to get her own room.

At the fitting, we’d asked Mom what her type was, and she’d blushed and dodged the question.

“Oh, shit,” I said.

Vicki clapped a hand over her mouth. Our gazes locked.

“Mom is in love,” I said.

“It’s shocking,” Vicki whispered as she lifted her hand. “But kind of awesome?”

“Why didn’t she tell us?” We were hissing as if Mom might overhear. “We’re both open-minded. Did she think we’d be mad?”

“What if they get married?” Vicki hissed back. “We’ll have a mom and a stepmom.”

“That’s so freaking cool.”

“It’s scandalous, though,” Vicki said. “Tina is Mom’s boss! How long has it been going on? What will they do? I want them to work it out.”

“So do I.”

We smiled at each other.

“Finn is the best guy, Jules,” Vicki said. “I mean, the best guy.”

“I know,” I said, and she hugged me again.



In the morning, after I’d dressed and done my hair and makeup with the others in the bridal suite, I went down to the front desk and asked for the room key Finn had left me. Then I went up to the penthouse and let myself in.

The air in the room was fragrant and steamy from the shower. There was a towel on the floor. Finn stood next to the bed in only his boxer briefs, his hair damp. He went still with surprise when I walked in.

His gaze swept over me—my dress, my high heels, my understated wedding makeup and neatly blow-dried hair. I didn’t look much like a rock star.

“You look beautiful,” Finn said.

“This isn’t me,” I replied. I was completely uncomfortable, but it was fine. I was going to do my part for my sister’s wedding, and that included being uncomfortable in heels and smiling for photographs. I had done much worse gigs than this one in my life, and this one mattered.

Finn shrugged. “It’s still beautiful, though. You always are.”

I blinked and let my gaze travel his long, lean body, his taut chest, those sexy arms, his tousled hair and bedroom eyes. “So are you.”

He tilted his chin, looking at me speculatively. Then he turned away and took a zippered hanger from the closet. “What do you want, Juliet?” he asked.

He was trying for cool and detached, but I wasn’t fooled. His skin was flushed, and not just from the shower.

I had the urge to kiss him, and to bury my nose in his fragrant skin. Another part of me had the urge to walk right up to him, tug down those boxer briefs, and get on my knees. So satisfying. But that wasn’t what I had come for.

I walked to a nearby chair and sat down. When Finn glanced over his shoulder at me, I motioned to him. “Don’t let me stop you. Go ahead.”

He turned back to unzipping the hanger and laying his clothes out, and I watched the perfect skin of his back, the flat muscles over his shoulder blades. That gorgeous butt. Had I even entertained the idea of that body being someone else’s someday? Not happening. Every part of this man should be mine.

“Well?” he asked, still trying to sound like he didn’t care.

“I never told you my worst breakup story,” I said.
