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I knew how to kiss her now. I was learning her tells. The rush of her breath, the way she kissed me back, the feel of tension slowly leaving her body. Juliet lived with tension, her body braced. All I wanted was to make her melt. Every time.

Her hips pushed into mine as I kissed her, and I pressed her more firmly into the wall, pinning her with my body against hers. She responded by biting my lip. She didn’t want tentative, and neither did I.

I broke the kiss as her hands moved under my shirt, her palms sliding over the skin of my stomach. Her eyes were dark, her lips reddened.

“Get in my bed,” I said.

I should have done this thirteen years ago, too, but that didn’t matter anymore. What mattered was that I was doing it now.

Her expression switched to surprise again, her emotions so clear every time they crossed her face. She was impossible to predict, but she was easy to read. I would never get tired of the contradiction.

“Kiss me again,” she said, because she had to challenge me. She couldn’t quite give in.

I held her gaze, challenging her back. When I didn’t move, she coasted her hand down my bare stomach to the waist of my shorts. I caught her hand before she sent it lower and twined her fingers with mine instead.

“I think we should do this my way,” I told her calmly. “The bath was your idea, and it was fun. But my way involves me licking you until you lose your mind.”

“Finn,” she whispered, and she was turned on, but there was something else in her voice, too. Like she was trusting me.

Keeping hold of her hand, I tugged her behind me down the hall to my bedroom. I wasn’t usually bossy with women; I didn’t order them around. But Juliet was here for this, and we’d waited a long time, and I’d felt how wound up she was when I’d kissed her. I was discovering that if I had any kink, it was for unwinding Juliet, and I intended to do it again now.

Even though this was a hookup, I planned to savor it. To savor her. We were alone, uninterrupted, both single, and in my bedroom. There was no better way to spend a weekend. I was planning, as Travis had put it, to put my back into it.

She lay back on the bed at my direction, and I crawled over her, bracing on my arms and kissing her. She tugged at my shirt again, so I leaned back to pull it off. She watched me with frowning seriousness, her skin flushed and her pupils blown. “You are so stupidly hot,” she complained.

“Die mad about it,” I said, sliding her shirt up and tugging down one cup of her bra. I put my mouth on her exposed nipple and sucked.

Juliet hissed in a breath and her back arched, pressing her harder against my mouth. I responded by swirling my tongue around her in a slow, hot circle, then closing my lips over her again.

She squirmed, and then she pulled off her shirt and threw it blindly. It landed somewhere behind the headboard. “Fuck, do that again,” she said.

I slipped her other bra strap off her shoulder and moved to her other breast, but I paused. “You’re in your head,” I told her. “We’re not leaving this bed until you get out of it. I hope that part is clear.”

“I’m not in my head,” she argued, and it was such an obvious lie that I grinned.

“Juliet, you’re so in your head that there’s a smell of crossed wires burning in this room. We’ll talk it out afterward, but not now. We’re doing this first, until you. Stop. Thinking.”

She frowned again, but I didn’t give her the chance to argue. I lowered my mouth to the soft, delicate skin of her breast, sliding my lips over it and sucking gently, just enough to almost sting.

She arched her back, her hands digging into my hair. It was progress, but not enough. I licked the tang of her skin, savoring the heat of this spot that was mine alone in this moment. I traced my finger around her nipple as I licked this breast, then moved back to the first one, repeating the process.

Her fingers dug into my scalp, and I felt her unwind another notch as her skin went warm and pink where I sucked it. I lifted and smoothed my palms over the sides of her ribcage, sliding under her arched back to unhook her bra.

The bra was gone, and seconds later her jeans were undone and I was sliding them off her legs, along with her underwear. When she yanked the jeans off her ankles and threw them, they hit the blinds, making them clatter. Neither of us noticed. I slid down the bed and hooked one of her legs over my shoulder, and then I made her wait as I rubbed my stubbly cheek against her inner thigh.

Juliet squirmed, making a gasping, squeaking sound that would have been funny if it wasn’t so hot and if I wasn’t presently inhaling the absolutely life-altering scent of her pussy for the first time. I braced one hand on her lower belly so she wouldn’t buck me off while I traced a finger over her, making her still. I traced the same line again, then followed the route with my tongue.

There was nothing like the taste of her, nothing like the feel of her knees falling open and her body slowly, finally letting go. I had made her come twice now, both times quickly, and I knew the map of her, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know how to get her to the edge, then draw back. I wanted to learn more than just how to give her a quick orgasm, like a shot of tequila. I wanted her to forget her own name. I wanted her to forget, just for a little while, that there had ever been anyone but me.

I had expanded my knowledge of her vastly, but hadn’t achieved my full objective, when she stopped me with a hand on my head. When I lifted my head, she swung her leg off my shoulder and twisted her body. She was strong, the muscles tight and compact in her thighs and her rounded hips, and a second later she had rolled me onto my back, climbed onto me, and slid down my shorts.

I was surprised, and my thoughts were muddied and short-circuited with lust. Juliet straddled me, her round ass resting on my thighs as she pressed her palms to my chest. I was gazing up at her in starry-eyed wonder when she leaned down and surprised me again by touching her forehead to mine, her hair falling around us and her breath warm against me. I smelled coconut from something she’d used in her hair. She seemed to gather her words.

“I want you so much,” she said, the words nearly a whisper.

Fuck. My hands came up to cup her jaw as I closed my eyes, my forehead against hers. “I want you, too,” I confessed. “From the first second I saw you.”

A flinch of surprise moved through her, but she didn’t pull away. When she spoke, her voice nearly cracked. “You too?”
