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What? I thought through the fog of lust in my brain. Of course we were going to fuck. When you’ve made yourself as clear as I had, when a man has you pinned to the bed so completely that you can feel his hard cock through both of your clothes, it means you’re going to fuck. What else could it mean?

He didn’t let me ponder this, just bent to kiss me again, his mouth a revelation on mine. Who knew this man could kiss so well? I couldn’t think. I tried nipping my teeth on his lower lip, but he pulled back, dodging me. I needed to win this. I could do it by grabbing his cock, but I couldn’t fit a hand between our bodies, which were pressed too close together. I settled for rubbing against him and hooking my legs over his hips, gripping him between my thighs, unsatisfying but better than nothing.

Finn moved his weight to one elbow and trailed his free hand over my collarbone, moving his fingertips along the line of my throat. I had the brief thought that he might do something kinky, and then I stopped caring. My eyes closed and my head tilted back as I gave him better access to my skin. I couldn’t help it. His touch felt so good.

He was gentle as he traced my throat, my jaw, my cheekbone. His thumb traced under my eye, then along my eyebrow. My forehead. I thought of him saying, I want to know what’s going on in here.

Finn wanted me—I knew it. I could feel it. But he wasn’t going to have me, not tonight.

Instead, his thumb moved down and traced my lips.

And, for once, I let it all go.



She was wound so tight. Something had happened since the restaurant; I didn’t know what it was, but I would get it out of her eventually. At dinner, she’d been quietly unhappy, but when she came into the hotel room, she was scowling, her shoulders hunched in a painful line. I hadn’t unearthed all of the reasons why yet, but Juliet’s mind almost never had a moment’s peace.

As badly as I wanted her—and I wanted her very fucking much—I wanted to give her peace even more. At least, I wanted to try.

Her lips parted as I touched her face, tracing the lines of her features into my memory, as if they weren’t already there. I watched her scowl disappear under my touch as her features smoothed out. Her blond hair fell back on the pillow. She was seducing me, fighting me, and driving me wild in a Juliet vortex of energy that could do everything at once. I wondered when the last time she’d been touched was. I wondered if it had been even half this good. I wondered if she had any idea how much she liked being touched.

If I had my way, the only man to touch her would be me.

I took in her dark lashes against her cheeks, the shape of her upper lip, the shell of her ear with a silver stud in the lobe. Juliet didn’t need someone to fuck her. She needed someone to see her.

I leaned down to that perfect ear and spoke softly into it. “Relax,” I told her. “Let me handle it. Let me take over.”

She gasped. “Finn.” Her hips moved in a circle, making my spine go tight. I was alarmingly close to coming in my jeans because she was driving me crazy. I could practically scent how much she wanted me, but I had to man up and keep control.

I kissed her because I couldn’t resist tasting that soft mouth of hers. “We’re not going to fuck tonight,” I said against her lips, because Juliet needed words. “We’re going to do something else instead.”

“What—” She broke off, and though she didn’t open her eyes, her brows drew down, her face tightening. Thinking, thinking, preparing to fight.

I ran my hand over her throat again, along her jaw, and she sighed a breath through her parted lips. I waited until she relaxed again.

“Don’t stop,” she breathed.

I hesitated, thinking. My dick shouted Don’t stop, you fool! She said so herself! Don’t stop! I ignored it.

“Do you want me to ease things for you a little, Juliet?” I asked her.

Her reply was a harsh exhale.

I hadn’t planned on this, but I could improvise. I hadn’t planned much at all when I lied my way into this hotel room—I had only thought that after an evening of staying away from her, I needed to be close to Juliet. And if I knocked on her door like a gentleman, she’d tell me to fuck off and close the door in my face.

I’d planned as far as getting into the room and seeing her again. Beyond that, I’d had no idea.

What had happened was that Juliet needed something from me, so I’d give it.

I lowered my free hand and opened the button of her jeans. I lowered the zipper and eased my fingers inside, feeling my way along the hot, half-soaked fabric of her panties.

Juliet bucked beneath me, not to get away but to get closer, her back arching and a moan escaping her throat. She was mindless, uninhibited. I traced the map of her the best I could with my fingertips, finding what I could through the cotton, riding the line between too much pressure and too little, moving the pads of my fingertips in a circle. I might not get it quite right on the outside of her underwear. If I could push them aside, get my fingers on her skin, I could?—

Juliet came. She shouted, her body riding a wave as her nails dug into my back, her head tilted back, her eyes closed. I had never seen anything so hot or so perfect in my life as this woman suffused with pleasure, feeling it unravel in every line of her body against mine.

Slowly, she exhaled and lowered onto the bed again. I watched her features relax. Gritting my teeth at my own pain, I extracted my hand from her jeans.
