Page 9 of Cade

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How dare they look so damn cute together.

Standing beside our bed looking down at Skye all snuggled into Cade’s arms has me wanting to get in the other side so I can breathe him in, too. He’s such a good dad, the very best, and looking at them has my heart swelling. I can’t bring myself to move her, not when she’s sucking on her pacifier and her little hand is curled around his finger. Dammit. My ovaries are aching.

I need to get out of this room before I break my resolve.

Turning, I sneak out and go down into the kitchen to get some water. I drank a little too much tonight, probably because it was a hell of a day. I got the name of Cade’s sister, and with that, I know I have the chance to dig further. I do feel a little guilty, knowing that I’m going against him, but I also know that deep down, he has to be wondering how it ended for her. If he would just tell me the story, I wouldn’t have to wonder.

Standing at the sink, I drink the water slowly, knowing if I go too fast, I’ll probably end up throwing it back up. Closing my eyes, I take small sips, relishing in the quiet. I don’t hear him come in, but I feel him, oh do I feel him. His hard, rigid body pressed against my back, pushing me into the counter as my eyes pop open. I can feel the heat from his bare skin, and I know he’s not wearing a shirt.

Turning to face him, I place the glass down beside me as I look up into the eyes I have come to love so much. He’s gorgeous when he’s just woken up, something about the sleepy vibe on a masculine man does things to me. Wicked things. I have missed him just as much as he has missed me, and with him standing here, pressed against me, I know it is next to impossible for me to say no.

He doesn’t say a word as he slides his hand down my side, slipping into my jeans and delving into my wet, aching flesh. I moan, I can’t help it, I’m desperate for him. His finger glides up my pussy, coating in my arousal and when he finds my clit, he rubs, slowly and precisely, teasing me with every flick.

Clutching his arms, I squeeze his biceps, loving the way they flex in my hands. I slide up and over, gliding my fingertips down his back and to his bottom. He is naked. My eyes widen as I run my palms over the smooth flesh of his backside. He came down here with purpose and he’s making damn sure to get what he wants.

Slipping his fingers out of my jeans, he growls with a desperate frustration as he jerks them down. The button flies off due to the sheer force he is using. Dammit, I liked those jeans. His feral gaze pins mine as I step out of the denim, kicking it to the side, and before I can say a word, he has my bottom on the counter, stepping between my legs, his big body tight as his cock presses against me.

He doesn’t wait, he pushes inside me, forcing my legs to curl around him as he sinks into me, stretching my pussy. Groaning, I reach up, delving my fingers into his hair as my body adjusts around him. It has been a while, and Cade isn’t small. Hell, he’s far from it. I love everything about his cock filling me, mostly I love the way it burns. It’s fucking delightful, and I don’t even try to stop the whimpers that leave my lips.

He fucks me there on the kitchen counter, plunging deep into my depths, slamming against me, causing things to go flying and smash on the ground but neither of us cares. My fingers are tangled in his hair and his hands are firmly on my ass as he uses me to drive his thrusts. Our lips are close, only inches apart, and I can practically taste him. With every warm breath against my skin, I get closer to the edge.

When my orgasm hits, it comes with such force that I’m unable to hold back the cries of pleasure that echo through the dark night. Cade growls, his release close, and I can feel his cock swell inside me. Bringing his mouth to mine, I run my tongue over his lip piercing, teasing him, bringing him to the edge. With an explosion of breath against my lips, he finds his release, jerking as pleasure shoots through his body.

We both needed that.

There is no denying it.

When he pulls away, I feel an emptiness in my chest that I haven’t felt around Cade before. Am I making a mistake looking into this? Is he right? Maybe I should back down. The very moment that thought crosses my mind, I know that my stubborn nature and need to know the truth is going to take over. I can’t let this go. What if his sister is in danger? Can I possibly live the rest of my life knowing I didn’t find out.

I open my mouth to speak, but Skye’s small cry from the other room has me closing it.

“I’ll go,” I say, pushing off the counter.

I walk to my bedroom, half naked, and reach down to pull on a pair of pajama pants. Skye is partially asleep, her little hands searching for someone. Smiling, I walk over to the bed and slide in beside her, pulling her toward me, pressing my lips to her soft skin. “Mommy is here baby, it’s okay. Go to sleep.”

Nestling into me, she clutches my shirt as she drifts back off to sleep.

A moment later, Cade is in the bed too, his hard body behind me as he curls around me, making me feel safe in a way I’ll never get tired of. His arm drapes over my waist, finding his daughter and letting her curl her little hand around his finger. Then, just like that, we all fall asleep.

It doesn’t get much more perfect than this.

“UGH,” CIARA GROANS, rubbing her stomach. “Someone get this baby out. I am done. So done.”

Laughing, I run a hand over her rounding belly. She is ready, more than ready, and it could be any day now. I’m excited to have another baby around. One minute we were all just rebels without a cause and now we’re moms. I love being a mom, Skye is everything, and I’m not sure I could ever love something more than I love her. Not to mention having a baby sister, that makes it even better. It’s hilarious to think Serenity and I are best of friends, yet she’s with my dad and I’m the sister to her child. The world works in all kinds of messed up ways.

“Bub will be here before you know it.” I rock back on my heels. “Then you’ll be able to party with us again.”

Her yellow eyes swing in my direction. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for a girls’ night out.”

“Well, I think we can plan that.”

Narrowing her eyes, she squints at me. “You’re up to no good, I can see it all over your face. Tell me, Addison, what it is you’re planning.”

“Moi?” I say, pressing a hand to my chest. “Never.”

Stepping up closer to me, she leans in. “What are you up to?”

Pressing my lips together, I try to hold it in, but I can’t. “I’m getting help from an old friend to find Cade’s sister.”
