Page 71 of Cade

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“Okay,” he cries. “I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you.”

“That’s what I thought,” I say, lowering the knife. “Speak.”

“I did know Darth, but not well. He did come to me for information on how to get new identities and I gave him a name. I don’t know anything after that.”

“I don’t have all fuckin’ day. Are you goin’ to tell me a name?”

“His name is Jarrod James. He isn’t in this area anymore, but he was the one doing them at the time.”

“Where is he now?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. I’m telling the truth.”

His eyes don’t waver, and now, I know he is finally telling the truth. Releasing him from the wall, I tuck the knife back into my pocket. “Get the fuck out of here before I change my mind.”

Turning, he rushes away.

I move out of the alley I found him in, and back to where Spike is waiting on the bikes. He didn’t come in with me, just in case the little fucker tried to get away, we’d have eyes everywhere. Reaching the bike, I throw my leg over and glance at Spike, who is grinning at me.


“The eyeball, that’s a new one.”

I grunt. “I felt extra creative. You should have been here watchin’ instead of spyin’ on me like some kind of fuckin’ agent.”

Spike laughs, starting his bike. “You know I can’t stay out of the good stuff. Where are we goin’ now?”

“To find a man named Jarrod James. He has the information we need.”

“I’ll make the calls.”

“For now,” I say, starting my bike, too. “Let’s go get a beer because fuck knows after this week, I need it.”

“Say no more.”

Pulling out onto the street, we ride with the low rumble following us.

It has been a trying few weeks, but so far, we haven’t heard from Marshall, and I’m fucking thankful he has kept away. I figured he would, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t change his mind and come crashing in to fuck everything up. We got Beccy into a safe home, and they found out her parents had passed, and she was in a terrible foster family who were abusing her.

She was an easy target for him.

Addison visits her, and often checks in to make sure she’s being taken care of.

That’s in between the moments where she is smothering Skye with so much love, I’m certain the little girl is ready to toss her mother out. Being away scared her and because of that, she has been holding on to Skye with a mixture of guilt and fear, and immense love. The thought of not seeing her again, really messed with her mind.

That baby is lucky to have a mother like her.

We are nearly past this chapter in our lives, where we dig through the past in hopes of finding answers. We took Addison’s demons, and we burned them to the ground, and now we’re about to uncover mine and finish things for a final time. Then, and only then, can we move on with our lives, whole and happy, the way it fucking should be.

So, for one last time, I’ll push my fingers into the past and see what I can pull out.

“THERE,” JACKSON POINTS in the direction of a man standing at the bar, drinking a beer, nobody by his side. “That’s him.”

It has taken a few days to find Jarrod, but we have finally located him. Out of the business, he is now a fucking run-down man with no money, no job and no future. That’s what that world will do to you if you’re not careful. One wrong move will either get you killed or leave you with nothing. In his case, it left him with nothing.

Walking over to the man with dull brown hair, a lean body and worn-out glasses on his face, we stop behind him. Feeling our presence, he turns and stares at the four of us, his eyes widening. He pushes back a little in his chair, his eyes darting past us looking for a way to escape, but when he figures out, there isn’t one, his eyes lock on Jackson’s.

“What do you want?”
