Page 66 of Cade

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I can hear him screaming my name, begging me to wake up, but my entire body feels numb, as if I’m floating aimlessly through the clouds without thought or conscious memory. I can’t feel any pain, nor does my brain seem to realize anything is wrong. I feel scarily at peace, not a single part of me holds any tightness or worry. Even with the chaos surrounding me, I’m okay.

Hands gripping my face has my eyes fluttering open, but I struggle to focus on anything. It almost seems as if the world has gone black. I can hear, but I can’t see. Closing my eyes again, I try to focus on bringing myself out of this, to tell him I’m okay, but it doesn’t seem to matter what I do, I can’t bring myself to open my eyes once more.

“Addison. Baby. Please wake up.”

He sounds so afraid, so scared.

That saddens me, so much.

I want to croak out that I’m okay, but not a single part of my body is working. I don’t even think I could lift a finger right now if I tried. Instead, I just let the blissful darkness take over because it feels safe there, warm even, like nothing can touch me. I like the peace I feel when I’m here. Gone is the fear or anger, and in its place, nothing but pure white peace.


It’s nice here.


Pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt creeps into my body as my conscious brain comes back to life.

It starts as a sharp pain in my chest, and then expands out until it becomes a roaring inferno tearing through my body, clutching every one of my organs with its fiery hands. I’ve never felt anything like it, and as I open my mouth to scream, no sound comes out. The bitter taste of blood swims around in my mouth and my breathing is shallow.

Is this how it feels right before you die?

Is this the end for me?

“I’ve got you,” A familiar voice calls past my attempt to wail in pain. “I’m goin’ to get you out. Do you hear me? Hold on. Baby, don’t let go.”

Let go of what? I’m right here?

Pressure on my chest as my muffled cries turning to agonized gasps. It hurts. Why is he doing that when it hurts so damned bad? I want to yell at him to stop, but nothing is coming out. He’s pushing so hard, making it difficult to breathe, and I can taste blood in my mouth. I try to lift my hand to stop him, but it won’t move.

Why is nothing working?

What is happening?

MY EYES FLUTTER OPEN and at first, the only thing I can see is darkness. I wonder if I’m alone, or maybe I’m dead because not a single sound can be heard. It feels like it takes hours for my brain to kick into gear, even though it has only been mere seconds. It’s as if someone is slowly opening a door, and inch by inch, you can start to make sense of what’s inside.


Cade’s voice is clearer now, and I slowly blink to try to focus on him. He’s staring down at me, and the only thing I can see is a dim light and the outline of his face. I know it’s him, I can feel his presence, but it’s so dark I’m almost beside myself with the urge to fight a level of panic over the situation.

“Can you hear me?”

Slowly, I nod my head.

My body is cold, and I’m shivering. I feel wet, and even though there appears to be a blanket on the lower half of me, I don’t feel in the least bit warm.

“I’m here. I’m goin’ to get you out. You have to hold on. Do you hear me?”

“C-c-c-cold,” I croak and even that minimal movement has my throat burning.

“I know you are, but it’s because you’re burning up.”

Burning up?
