Page 64 of Cade

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“Give me a second to bring it up,” Charlie murmurs.

He clicks and scrolls around, doing fuck knows what. I couldn’t figure out how to turn that screen on let alone use it the way he does, like it is an effortless task. Computers and bikers don’t mix. No fucking way.

“She is still in the yard, from what I can see. They haven’t moved yet. I will draw a map of her exact location so you can find her as easily as possible.”

My chest clenches, but I’m so fucking happy to hear she is still around.

If they take off, it will be a lot harder to get her.

“Thank you.”

Without letting him answer, I turn and start walking out.

“Cade?” he calls, and I pause, turning to glance at him.

“I know you don’t like me, or officers in general, but if you need me to do anything, I’m there. I don’t want to see anything happen to her.”

Nodding, I let him know I appreciate that with my simple gesture.

Then, I get out of there.

The guys are waiting outside. “She’s still there. We need to move.”

“What’s the plan?” Muff asks as I move to my bike.

“We need to swarm them, cause a distraction while I go in and get her. I know exactly where she is I just need to be able to get to her.”

Jackson nods. “You go in and find her, we’ll cause a distraction big enough to keep them busy.”

We all get on our bikes.

The moment we arrive there, chaos will unfold. I just need to be able to slip away while it does and find Addison. I don’t care how much blood is shed; I just need to know she is out alive. Chest clenching, I ride with a mission, to get my woman and ensure that anyone who dares step in my way is brought to their knees.

Arriving to the lot, I separate myself from the group.

I park my bike behind some thick bushes out of sight, and walk in, using anything I can to shield myself as Jackson takes the rest of them to the front entrance where they make a hell of a sound. Bikes revving, voices barking for someone to come out, it’s enough to get the attention of anyone nearby, and it works.

Only a few minutes in, men are coming out from different areas, some holding guns, as they approach the group of bikers. Now is my chance, slipping down the side of a large fence, I go toward the entrance where I keep my body hidden behind containers or large shipping crates until I manage to make it past the front gate.

Pulling out the map Charlie drew, I do my fucking best to find my way through this god-damned maze of containers. There are so many here, there is no way you’d ever find illegal shit even if you were looking for it. You couldn’t possibly open every single container. It just isn’t possible.

The commotion back at the entrance is getting louder, as voices yell and shout. I don’t have long, and I need to find Addison as quickly as I can. I know from the map, she is close to the large ships that load the containers, so I head towards the sound of water, figuring it has to be better than searching aimlessly.

I know I’m getting closer to where the container might be when I hear the sounds of the ship rocking in the water. Staring down at the map again, I keep moving, praying I’m on the fucking right track. Rounding a corner, I come to a stop when I notice an armed guard standing outside a shipping container.

It might be a wild guess, but I would bet anything that’s the one she’s in. Letting my eyes roam over the area, I see I can probably slip down beside another container close by. If I go down to the back of it, I might be able to find a way to check if she’s in there before I make a scene. Waiting for a moment where the man turns away to look at something else, I rush towards the containers I want to use to shield myself.

Pressing my back to them, I move as quietly as I can, until I manage to get myself at the back of the guarded container. Panting, sweat trickling down my forehead, I let my eyes scan the entire surface, and it’s there, I see a small hole. It’s probably the size of my fist, but it’s drilled through, and I know for damned fucking certain it’s for air.

Rushing over, I get close to the hole and growl. “Addison?”

A moment of silence, before I hear a sound I never thought I’d hear again. “Cade? Cade?”

“It’s me,” I say quickly. “What the fuck were you thinkin’?”

“There is a girl in here. She’s only young. I couldn’t leave her.”

Her and her big heart.
