Page 46 of Cade

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Still, the dirt road comes to an end and after the clearing, it narrows off into a track no vehicle would be able to fit. So, I go on foot, and that just leads me deeper and deeper into the woods. I’m not willing to risk going in farther and getting hurt, so, I turn around and begin the long trek back out. Frustrated, I can’t figure out what the hell I’m missing here.

I mean sure, they wouldn’t just have a location at the end of a dirt road that anyone could find, and from what it looks like, there isn’t a soul around. You wouldn’t leave something like that unguarded which means I’m on the wrong track, or they’ve been given incorrect instructions. Just before I reach the clearing, I notice that when I look down through the trees, it almost seems like there is a part through them.

Every other tree in the place is cluttered together by the next, making it almost impossible to get through, but these trees have a gap big enough for a person to be able to get through with no problems and, as I near, I see the track does look as though it has been walked through. Biting my lip, I contemplate if it’s worth the risk, but decide I’ll just go check it out.

If someone catches me, I’ll play dumb.

I was on a walk and got lost. Oopsie.

Walking down the narrow track for what feels like an eternity, I finally come to a dense area with large rocks and trees, shrubs and fallen logs. It’s almost impossible to keep going past it. A dead end, of course it’s a damned dead end. This looks almost impossible to get through, even for an experienced hiker or trail blazer. Exhaling, I go to turn when one of the rocks catches my eye.

It has a small opening, very cave like.

You’d never get this far out here unless you had directions, no way in the world would somebody stumble across this by chance and so it has me curious, maybe that opening leads somewhere. Walking toward it, I use my phone flashlight to shine inside. It’s narrow, incredibly so, but I could swear I see an opening on the other side. Daring to risk it, I squeeze my body through the tight gap until I manage to push out the exit.

Panting, I stare around.

It’s a cave, but there doesn’t seem to be anything spectacular about it.

Overgrown, large, but it certainly isn’t full of treasure.

No pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.

Still, I poke around, using my flashlight to look at everything.

I’m about to turn away when I see something small on the ground. It’s so tiny, you’d miss it without a light. Leaning down, I push the dirt away to find a tiny diamond. It’s small enough that without my phone, I would have missed it just glistening beneath the dust. Placing it in my hand, I see it looks like it has been chipped off something bigger. It is irregular in shape.

It's definitely a diamond though. At least, I think it is.

It could be fake, but something about the sharp edges and smooth surface tells me it isn’t.

Putting it in my pocket, I turn and decide I had better get out of here before it becomes dark.

As I make it out of the cave, I can hear leaves crunching in the distance.

Someone is coming.

Heart racing, I glance around. I can’t run through the thick woods, it is too dense out there and if I go down the path, someone will see me. As a male voice can be heard, I know I have to hide and so I very quickly find a large rock and slide myself behind it, holding my breath as the voice turns into two, and they near closer. The crackling sound of a radio can be heard.

“In the cave?” a man asks, his voice gruff.

“She was seen on surveillance about half an hour ago entering the cave.”


Oh god.

I didn’t think of that.

Someone has seen me come in here.

Pulling my hoodie up over my head, I hold my breath as the two men stop in front of the cave entrance.

“Refresh it, tell us what you see. We’re going in for a look. Haven’t found her yet.”

If they refresh it, they’ll see me exiting and hiding.

I have to get the fuck out of here.
