Page 33 of Cade

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“You know damn well I’m not talking about tonight. You’re still mad about Clara and you’re acting like an overgrown child about it.”

I can’t help it; a chuckle escapes my throat. Her head whips up, and she gives me a scowl. “Do not laugh at me. I swear to ...”

“Relax, sugar,” I murmur, using my free hand to capture her chin. “We’re good.”

Huffing, she pulls her head away. “I hope so, because I’m getting real sick of talking to myself.”

“Condition for that,” I murmur.

“Watch it, biker.”

Pulling my hand away, I reach for her face again, taking her jaw in my good hand and pulling her close. “Baby, we’re good.”

Her eyes search my face, and then soften a little. “Well good,” she murmurs, “because I was getting really horny.”

Licking her lips, she stares down at the piercing in my lip.

Oh how she loves to suck on it.

My dick jumps.

“Keep talkin’ like that and we might be able to fix that problem,” I growl, sliding my hand from her jaw, down her neck and chest until I reach her tits.

Fucking sweet tits.

Cupping one in my hand, my dick hardens even further, but she quickly slaps it away.

“I’m fixing you right now.” She grins, taking my hand back and continuing her cleaning.

“Got some good dirty nurse fantasies,” I rasp, nudging her legs apart with my knee.

“Well, unfortunately for you, I’m a doctor.”

I push my knee into her pussy, feeling the heat radiating through my jeans. “I don’t fuckin’ care what you are.”

She gasps, closing her legs to push me back out. “Now now, sir. That’s inappropriate behavior.”

“You want to see inappropriate?” I growl, shoving to my feet and hauling her up and over my shoulder.

The bloodied cloth she was holding falls to the floor as she yells, “I’m not done!”

“Yeah, you fuckin’ are.”

Carrying her to the kitchen counter, I practically throw her down as I lay her back against it, pressing my hand to her squirming form as I jerk up her nightie. She’s wearing lacy panties; little minx knew exactly what she was doing. Leaning up on her elbows, she gives me a wild look that has my dick straining against my jeans, desperate to sink into her.

“You bad girl.”

Grinning, she shows me the fire and passion I fell in love with. She’s the strongest, sassiest, slightly most crazy girl I’ve ever met, and I wouldn’t change a thing about her, even if she does make me wild sometimes. Spreading her legs with my hands, I stare down at her sweet slit covered in fine black lace. I want to tear these off, but I want to see them again, so instead I hook my fingers in them and slide them down her legs, tossing them aside.

Like a good girl, she puts her feet up on the counter, spreading for me.

“You know exactly what I need,” I growl, stepping up closer.

“Of course I do,” she licks her lips as she watches me slide my hands beneath her bottom.

Then I bring her up to my mouth like a fucking cold beer.

Only she tastes so much better.
