Page 27 of Cade

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I’m fucking sorry, too.



It hurts him.

I can see it in his eyes.

When she told him that he wasn’t worth the fight, that he was just like his father, it broke something inside him.

I get that.

Stepping up to him, I put a hand on his chest and stare up into the eyes I’ve come to love so much.

“I know she hurt you, and I understand why you walked away, but Cade, if you don’t find out what happened to her, you’re never going to heal from this.”

“Goin’ into that world isn’t worth the risk on my family,” he grunts, his voice tight.

“You don’t have to go into that world, you just have to find out if she’s alive or dead.”

“And if she’s alive and bein’ held against her will, you think we can just leave her? Both you and I know we can’t, and it’ll only end badly. Don’t dive into that, Addison, the past is best left where it fuckin’ belongs.”

“She’s your sister, Cade. The only family you have left.”

“This club is my family,” he roars. “She is dead to me.”

His words are harsh, and even though I understand them, I’m so disappointed that he has closed his heart off so heavily to her. She made a mistake, sure, and her words were lethal, but she thought she saw a brighter future. She was young and naïve. I get that. I’ve been there. I’ve hoped, and I’ve trusted the wrong people.

Things might be very different now.

“What if she has grown up, and is scared and afraid, and nobody is there to save her?”

He shoots me a look so cold, it has me reeling.

“I saved her. Over and over again. She made her bed, she can fuckin’ lie in it. I told you what you wanted to know, and now we’re goin’ to drop this because I refuse to fuckin’ let this affect my life any further.”

When did Cade become ... so cold.

“I feel like you’re not telling me the whole story,” I dare to say, shaking my head.

“Why? Because you can’t accept that I simply don’t care to go find out where she is?”

“Yes,” I say, crossing my arms. “Actually, that’s exactly why. I know you, at least, I thought I did and you’re acting as though we’re talking about some ex-girlfriend and not your actual blood. So she said she didn’t want to be in your life, I know that’s fucked, but she was young and she had a hard life too ...”

“She didn’t have a fuckin’ hard life,” he barks. “I did everything for her, I protected her, I kept her safe and she sat back and watched me take it all. Nothin’ about her life was hard, Addison.”

He’s angry.

This isn’t the time to make this worse.

Taking a deep breath, I step up to him and put a hand on his chest. “I hate fighting with you. I hate it so much you can’t begin to imagine. I don’t want our family to suffer.”

Taking my wrist, he leans down close. “If you don’t want our family to suffer then you’ll let this go.”

Then, he turns and walks to the door.

He doesn’t get a chance to beat his fist on it because it opens, and Jackson steps in.
