Page 6 of Storm Child

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‘There was a lovely woman behind you. There is a connection to your name. Your mother or grandmother, perhaps.’

‘I’m named after my grandmother.’

She smiles. ‘Evelyn.’

‘No. Adina.’

‘I thought you said your name was Evie.’

‘It’s complicated.’

‘Well, she’s sitting behind you now.’

Well, that’s bullshit, I think, but I still look over my shoulder, hoping to see my gjyshe in her white headscarf and her high-waisted floral skirt.

Cindy’s eyes are closed, and she’s rocking back and forth. From somewhere under the table, I hear a knocking sound.

‘Is that you, Marcela? Don’t be afraid. Come into the light. You’re welcome.’ Cindy’s eyes open. ‘She’s here.’

‘You can see her?’

‘I can feel her presence. Was she a loud woman?’

‘No, not really.’

‘Well, she’s loud now. She’s talking my ear off.’ She looks past me. ‘Slow down, Marcela, I can’t hear what you’re saying.’

My heart sinks. She’s lying to me now. Cyrus was right.

Cindy is still talking. ‘Marcela wants you to know that she’s happy in Heaven, but she misses you very much.’

‘Mama didn’t believe in Heaven,’ I say.

‘Well, she had a pleasant surprise.’

‘Is Agnesa with her?’ I ask, disappointed rather than angry.


‘My sister.’

‘Is she also dead?’


Cindy raises a thinly plucked eyebrow. ‘Oh, petal, that’s so sad.’ She pulls her hand away, shaking her head.

‘What’s wrong?’ I ask.

‘She’s gone.’

‘But you can get her back.’

‘Let’s talk about something else. I think there’s a man in your life. A boyfriend. Someone special.’

‘What? No. I want to talk to Mama. Ask her about Agnesa. Ask her what happened.’

‘It’s too late.’
