Page 37 of Storm Child

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‘We’re transferring him to Birchin Way Custody Facility.’


‘Border Force want to interview him. After that we hand him over to social services.’


‘Tonight, if they can find him a place.’

‘I want to help.’

‘In what way?’

‘I can review the evidence and give you a different perspective . . . be a fresh set of eyes.’

These arguments seem to land awkwardly. I can picture Carlson asking himself if he wants an outsider involved. I’m a layman not a police officer – not part of the ‘tribe’ or the culture. This can have benefits but it can also be problematic because he has no control over me.

Carlson makes a decision. ‘I’m texting you an address. Meet me there at midday.’

Florence is at the kitchen bench. She bites off a corner of toast. ‘What was that about?’

‘I’m working on the case.’

‘That’s good, isn’t it?’

‘I hope so.’

I scroll through my contacts lists and find a number. Derek Posniak picks up immediately. He and I were at university together and once shared a girlfriend, although we didn’t know it at the time. Now he works for the National Crime Agency, but never talks about his job. I once joked he was a spy. Derek laughed, but there was nothing behind his eyes.

‘Padfoot,’ he says cheerfully. ‘To what do I owe the pleasure?’

He’s using an old nickname, given to me because Cyrus sounds like Sirius (as in Sirius Black), who was Harry Potter’s godfather and could transform into a big black dog called Padfoot.

‘I might have something for you,’ I say.

‘Really? Most people want something from me.’

He’s tapping on a keyboard as he speaks.

‘The small boat that capsized off Cleethorpes was deliberately rammed.’

‘On what evidence?’

‘The eyewitness testimony of the survivor.’

‘A fourteen-year-old.’

‘And text messages from someone else on board.’

Posniak pauses and I hear a pen tapping against his teeth. ‘Have you talked to the police?’

‘I’m working on the case.’

‘Why do you need me?’

‘Yesterday, I talked to an asylum seeker who left Calais on a different boat on the same night. It landed safely in Essex. He told me that the other boat didn’t have permission to travel.’

‘Permission from whom?’
