Page 129 of Storm Child

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Ogilvy leans forward, putting his palms facing up on the table like we’re going to hold hands and make a prayer circle.

‘Perhaps you could help me, Miss Cormac. I can’t seem to find any record of your existence. No birth certificate. No medical records. No charge-sheet. No social security file. I’m not even sure that Evie Cormac is your real name.’

‘Is there a question in there somewhere?’ asks Florence.

‘I’m a ward of the court,’ I say. ‘My identity is protected.’

‘You’re no longer a child.’

‘The protection order is ongoing.’


‘People aren’t supposed to know who I am.’

‘Are you someone famous?’


‘A protected witness?’


‘Do you have a passport?’


‘Where were you born?’

‘I don’t see why this is relevant,’ says Florence. ‘You have Evie’s name and address.’

‘Which could be fake.’

Florence gives him a mocking laugh. Ogilvy colours slightly and moves on.

‘You said that you’d met Finn Radford before.’

‘We didn’t really meet. I was on a fishing trawler with my mother and sister and other migrants.’

‘How many?’

‘I can’t remember.’

‘More than ten?’






‘What was the name of the boat?’

‘The Arianna II.’
