Page 17 of Sage Advice

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If only. “So I know when to come and get you.”

“I can make my own way home.”


“Alexander, please.” She stared at him, her expression bordering on begging. Fuck, how he’d love her to plead in other more enjoyable, sensual ways.

“I won’t apologize for putting your safety first, and if that pisses you off, tough.”

Her eyes turned surprisingly soft. Had she really believed he’d agreed to do this purely to appease her brother?

Did she have a history of guys taking her for granted? Feeding her bullshit. Promising things and not following through unless the potential outcome aligned with their own selfish needs? He didn’t even want to fucking think about that. Any guy who’d fucked her over, he’d have no qualms making him pay.

She slung her handbag over her shoulder and glanced at him. “Five p.m. on the dot. You’re not here, and I’ll find another way home.”

“I’ll be here. You can count on me.”

Chapter Five

Could she? Sage froze in her seat and stared at Alexander. The gorgeous, infuriating man smelled irresistible…lickable. That cedar and coconut scent of his drove her crazy with want, to the point she’d had to get herself off in the shower or she wouldn’t have been able to think clearly.

Had he heard her moans? She hadn’t exactly been quiet, much to her distress. Fingers crossed he hadn’t. If he had, hopefully he wouldn’t say anything. If he confronted her, how would she explain the situation?


On top of that, could she rely on him when it counted? He assured her she could. But people said a lot of things.

He hadn’t shown even a hint of reliability in the past. Yet something told her it would take exceptional circumstances for him to break his promise to her now. They’d just gotten reacquainted, though, so she didn’t know that for sure.

But people changed. If she was a reasonable person, she had to factor that in. Ultimately, she should give him the benefit of any lingering doubt. One thing she knew with certainty—the guy had always excelled at playing into her wants, her needs, her emotions.

After he’d caught her in her skimpy underwear, she could hardly look at him. She had, however, glimpsed his striking blue eyes traveling slowly over her semi-naked body with unmistakable yearning and appreciation. It had made her lady bits moist and her clit throb for attention. If she hadn’t been running behind, she’d have rubbed another one out.

But his behavior could have been a base, primal reaction—a virile man physically responding to an almost nude woman. Who knew how long it’d been since he’d indulged in intimate female company?

Sage shouldn’t let him burrow into her psyche, tap into her unmet desires. She had to be as objective as possible, ensure she didn’t screw with his mental health or hers, except she lacked full control—not that anyone ever really had it.

Chase and Alexander had taken the intruder situation to the extreme, gone off tap, overreacted and it didn’t look like either of them would back down, which meant Alexander would be her shadow for at least two days.

Oh God. A rush of heat consumed her body and she forced herself not to fan her face. She had to redirect her mind to something else, something un-Alexander.

Thankfully, her full caseload of clients popped into her head. In her breaks, she’d check through the files and suss out if any others, on top of her three instinctually earmarked clients, might have a reason to target her or if not, strike them off her suspect list.

It took her a few moments, maybe more, to return to the present, the sexual-tension-filled silence practically combustible. He angled his body and silently studied her, the intensity of his spectacular sky-blue eyes setting off a domino effect of goosebumps across her skin.

“See you later.” Sage flung the door open and rushed out of the car without looking back. She took the lift to her floor, sat behind her desk and powered on her computer, her heart still thumping.

Her mobile buzzed. A text from the same unknown number. Most likely an untraceable burner phone…if the person were smart.

I see you’ve recruited a couple of men, but they can’t protect you. Don’t think they can make you safe.

A shiver reverberated along her spine. Pricked, triggered, she sent a response before her rational mind intervened.

I can look after myself. Always have. Always will. I don’t need to rely on anyone.

We’ll see…

Shit. She shouldn’t have engaged. Too late now.
