Page 98 of Protecting Nikole

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The drive back from the airport was excruciatingly long. The meeting had finished early, but that meant I was now stuck in traffic after having dropped my client off at his gate. There were no incidents on this assignment. It was short and straightforward.

Checking the time, I took the first exit into Manhattan and headed for her office. It was six o’clock. I’d told her I’d be back home by seven, but now that plans had changed, I wanted to see her sooner.

I parked my truck in the lot and was relieved to see her car still there. She hadn’t left work yet.

My heart raced like a teenager on his first date.

“Oh, Mr. Devereux, I wasn’t expecting you,” said Mary. “Ms. Adams said you were no longer accompanying her to work.”

“I’m not too sure about that, Mary,” I said. “I may pop in from time to time.”

Mary’s face beamed upon hearing the update.


My head snapped toward the back offices and I saw Nikole running down the hallway toward me. I would never get tired of watching her run to me. Ever.

I picked her up in my arms and held her tight.

“Hey, I wasn’t expecting you. This is a nice surprise,” she gushed.

Her cheeks blushed red and her eyes sparkled.

“My day ended early, and I wanted to see you.” I leaned down and kissed her cheek. It was too appealing to resist.

“I’m done. I was just occupying myself until it was time to meet you. I’ll get my things.”

Nikole walked away, and I watched her body move and sway. Man, she really knew how to play up those curves with those tight skirts and high heels.

“Hey,” another voice called. I hadn’t heard anyone beside me, which was quite a feat, so I was surprised to find Christina standing there.

“Hey,” I said, shoving my hands in my pocket.

“So, it looks like you’re still in the picture.”

“Yep. It certainly does.”

She assessed me from head to toe, and for some reason, I felt the need to stand up straighter. I’d met Generals with far less intimidating stares than hers.

“Look, I know you’re ex-military, but I mean it when I say, you hurt her, and we’re going to have a problem.”

Recalling Christina’s background check, I knew it wasn’t an empty threat, and I was glad Nikole had friends like Christina to protect her when I was at work.

“You have my permission to kick my ass.”

She grinned and raised her chin to look me in the eye. “Sweetheart, I don’t need your permission.”

I nodded. I was impressed and, no lie, a little afraid.

“I’m ready,” Nikole said, pulling her purse over her shoulder. “Should I leave my car here and pick it up later?”

“Yes. I’ll send a driver to get it later.”

She frowned. “You have a driver? I didn’t know that.”

True. I hadn’t shown her a lot of my world. I’d been completely immersed in hers.

“I do,” I said, extending my arm to her.
