Page 53 of Protecting Nikole

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He nodded, but continued to stare at the man. “That’s a good idea.”

Once I settled in, Jake approached me. “I’ll be right outside these doors. I’ve spoken to the security guard. He’s on alert. I just need to speak to the police commissioner over there real quick.”

I wanted to ask why, but my client was with me, so I let it go.

“Just give me a second,” I said to my client and shuffled through my papers, all the while watching Jake.

He walked towards the crowd and pushed through the gentlemen. A couple complained, but the commissioner raised his hand, killing their protest.

I couldn’t hear what Jake said to him, but the commissioner smiled and raised both hands in front of him in surrender. I thought I read, ‘It wasn’t me’ on his lips. But Jake’s next words wiped the smile from the commissioner’s face. They stood eye to eye with each other, and I felt the tension more than twenty feet away.

Then Jake turned and walked back.

“What did you say?” I asked him when he returned.

“I told him if I found out he was the one who tipped the reporters, that he would live to regret it.”

I stopped pretending to organize my papers and stared at him. “Threatening a police officer, let alone the commissioner, is a crime, you know.”

“Yeah, I know. I also know a good lawyer,” he smirked.

I smiled back. I couldn’t help it, as I watched him walk away to sit at the back of the courtroom.

“Sorry about that, Mr. Connor,” I said.

“No problem. I wasn’t sure if you would show,” said the middle-aged investment banker.

“Why not? We had a meeting scheduled for today.”

He shrugged. “I heard some foreign terrorists kidnapped you yesterday. Thought you might be taking some time off.”

I sighed. “Yes. But they weren’t foreign terrorists, just home-grown nuisances. I’m fine, thank you for your concern. Now, let’s talk about your case.”


By the time I finished meeting with my client, it was near the end of the day. “Let’s just go back to your place,” I said when I met with Jake in the foyer. “I’m spent.”

Jake nodded and walked me to the car. Fortunately, the reporters had not followed us to the courthouse and there was no hurry to get inside.

On the way back to Jake’s apartment, I finally had a moment to think about my conversation with my mother yesterday. She was keeping something from us and I knew it was related to the break-in yesterday.

“Jake?” I asked, thinking out loud.


“You mentioned that the threatening emails sent to my mother said something about a bill she was working on, right?”


I nodded, still thinking. “And yesterday’s note said something about a drive?”

“That’s right. What are you thinking?”

“I don’t know. But I need to research this bill my mother’s working on. This person doesn’t want it to pass. Who has the most to gain if this bill doesn’t pass?”

“Mmm…” The sound from his mouth was low and guttural. Strangely, it made my stomach dip.

He drove into the garage and parked in the same reserved spot. We took the elevator up and didn’t say a word the entire time. It was a comfortable silence, as we were both lost in our thoughts.
