Page 47 of Protecting Nikole

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He drove down a ramp and into a parking garage. Finding a reserved space next to the elevator, he pulled in. “This is me,” he said and opened his door. He grabbed my things from the truck and I followed him.

I had expected to walk through the lobby of the building, but Jake led me to an elevator, which took us straight to the penthouse floor.

I caught a glimpse of his face; it was stoic. Being back on land, he was in full bodyguard mode.

My body felt stiff. I knew I had a long day. Probably the longest day of my life. For a moment, I was grateful for Jake carrying my things, and then I remembered it was the least he could do after kidnapping me.

It was hard to stay mad, though. In a way, I was relieved to be as far from my apartment as possible while someone raided it.

The elevator chimed, and Jake stepped out. I followed him down a narrow hallway, passing another door on our way.

Grabbing a key fob from his jacket, Jake pressed it against the security key. Then he faced the key and a red light scanned his face. The door unlocked with a loud click.

The apartment was something out of a magazine for the rich and famous. Two large crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling over a dining and living room. White and black furniture were scattered throughout the room with brass knobs and décor. I unzipped my boots, not wanting to get any markings on the light oak floors.

“Keep them.”

I tilted my head and stared at him. “Are you crazy? I’m not dirtying this floor with my boots.” I walked in my stocking feet across the expansive foyer. The living room floor had a herringbone design, I noted as I stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“There are lights as far as I can see. It’s beautiful.”

He stood next to me with his hands in his pockets. “I don’t think I could ever get tired of this view. It breathes life into me. I’ve traveled the world and fallen in love with so many places and cultures, but nothing felt like home until I came here. I belong here.”

I smiled. I loved that for him; that he found his place, his home. It still felt as though I was searching for mine.

“I’ll put your bags in the guest room.”

I stood at the window staring out into Central Park for a few minutes, watching people take carriage rides, and smiled. My father took me on one of those once while my mother was working. He acted as though I were a princess and the carriage was part of the façade. It was magical and beautiful. A tear fell down my cheek, and I quickly wiped it away.

“All set,” Jake said, returning to the room.

I sniffed once and turned around with a smile. “Thank you.”

He grinned. “I’m surprised you’re thanking me after everything that happened today.”

I closed my eyes and laughed. “Don’t remind me. It won’t end well for you if you do.”

He laughed. “Deal. I won’t ever mention it again.” He looked down a hallway. “Are you hungry?”

I shrugged. “I couldn’t eat a meal, but maybe something small.”

“Follow me. I’ll find you something.”

He led me down another hallway that opened into this white kitchen with stainless steel appliances, and a stunning black and white countertop. I ran my hand along the cold surface. “This is beautiful. Is it marble?”

“Brazilian Quartzite.”

I nodded. Having never heard of the material, I figured it was expensive.

I sat on one of the barstools next to the island and watched as Jake pulled out some cheese, olives, and crackers. “Will this do?”

I snorted. “I don’t know. Do you have any caviar?”

He grinned and spun back to the refrigerator. He set a glass jar in front of me and crossed his arms, looking pleased with himself. “I didn’t want to come across as pretentious.”

I snorted after reading the label. “I don’t believe it, but it’s caviar.”

I grabbed a bread knife and spread some on my cracker. Savoring the salty flavor, I turned to Jake. “This may sound rude, but I have to know. How much are you charging my mother to pay for this?” I waved at the opulence around me.
