Page 24 of Protecting Nikole

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“I am patient!” I shouted again and closed my eyes at the irony.

“This woman has gotten under your skin, hasn’t she?” he made a funny noise, like a ‘huh’ sound. “Is she attractive?”

“Jesus, Will. What does that have to do with any of this?”

“Maybe nothing. Maybe something. Just answer the question.”

“Yes, she’s pretty. But she’s also infuriating, stubborn, and reckless. Did I mention she jumped out of a window?”

“Yes, yes you did. Have you tried speaking to her about it? Showing her the email her mother received?”

“Of course, I did. We showed her on the first day. She doesn’t think it’s a big deal. I don’t know. Maybe she’s right. Maybe this was some prank or some dickwad getting his thrills by scaring the governor.”

“I don’t think so.”

I didn’t like his tone. “What do you mean?”

“Didn’t Jager update you?”

“I didn’t answer when he called earlier. I was sort of busy busting through a woman’s washroom.”

“Well, a courier delivered a package to the governor’s office yesterday. Christian checked the package first, of course, and after he found no trace of powder on it, he opened it.”

“And what was inside?”


“So, Nikole may be right. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“No, I meant the package was empty.”

My head spun, and I strained to concentrate on the road. “Why would someone send an empty box to the governor?”

“Exactly,” said Will.

“Unless the purpose of the package was to get inside the building to map it out.”

“Or send us a message.”

I didn’t like this at all. Something about this guy made my skin crawl. He was patient and methodical.

“You should explain this all to Nikole,” said Will.

I stared at the woman in the car in front of me. She had gone to great lengths to prove she didn’t need me. I would need to do the same to get through to her. “I don’t think talking is going to cut it, Will. I need to do something else.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. But I may need your help.”

“As long as it’s not illegal.”

I pursed my lips. I wasn’t going to make any promises.


I followed Nikole up the steps to her second-floor office. Ideas swirled in my head, but I kept losing my train of thought. First, it was the scent of her perfume, a light floral fragrance. Then, it was her hair. She had messed it up when she dragged herself through a window and rolled in the grass. Ironically, the grittiness made her more appealing. And the image of her rolling in the grass was one I couldn’t get out of my head.

Fortunately, she shut the door when she reached her office, and I was spared the image for the remainder of the afternoon.
