Page 63 of Real Thing

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“Bullshit. How many times have I offered to help with renovations for your house or upgrades for the bar? You’ve always said no.”

“I don’t need you sticking your nose into my home decor and I definitely don’t need you throwing your money around and trying to take over my bar,” I bark, immediately defensive.

“See? You just proved my point, control freak.” He grins. “This is exactly why I didn’t tell you about the trust fund. I didn’t want you getting in the way of me doing this for Stella.”

My eyes are burning. My nose, too. “I’m fucking dumbfounded, man. I don’t even know what to say. Well except—thank you again for doing that for my daughter.”

“No problem. And if you want to go over the details of the trust fund, I’ll have one of my financial advisors give you a call.”

I rub a palm across my forehead, feeling overwhelmed. “My mind is boggled by this whole conversation.”

He noisily blows his nose and shrugs. “I know you’re raising Stella on your own, but you’re not alone. We have your back. All of us do. It’s not just a money thing. Whatever help you need, whenever you need it, we’ll all put our heads together and make it happen. You’ve got to know that, right?”

“Right…” I mutter.

“Buy the fucking car you want, Nolan. Life is short, man. You don’t have to ride that old duct-taped car until the wheels fall off. You’re allowed to get another one.” When my eyes start tearing up, he scowls in disgust and chucks the tissue box back at me. “And clean yourself up. You’re falling apart.”

I snort, shaking my head. “You’re such an asshole. Even when you’re supposedly being nice.” I blot at my tears with a tissue. In a manly way, of course.

He smirks. “And speaking of things you’ve been riding lately…Inez—I see she’s progressed to wearing your clothes now?” He waggles his brows.

Ugh. I knew he’d eventually bring that up.

“Shut up,” I mumble.

The other morning when my brothers had showed up at my house, Inez had walked into the kitchen, wearing my T-shirt that she sleeps in. And now, Darius has got an idea in his head.

The sickly billionaire grins at me. “So, you two are hooking up after all? You talked a big game about not crossing the line, but I guess you couldn’t resist in the end, huh, little brother?”

“Nope.” I pop the hell out of that ‘p’, clacking away at my computer. “We’re not hooking up.”

Darius looks thoroughly amused. “Oh, really? What’s the problem? Can’t seal the deal with the pretty girl?”

Letting out a rough exhale, I stretch back in my seat and stare up at the water-stained ceiling tiles. “She friend-zoned me.”

Uproarious laughter flares from my brother’s phlegmy chest. And then it morphs into a choke-cough-laugh thing that nearly knocks him out of his chair.

“Good for you for laughing at my distress. Go ahead and drop dead. Stella gets to cash out on that inheritance early. Nice.”

He takes a long swallow from his water bottle. “Assface. That’s why you’re not in my will. Anyway, Inez friend-zoned you?”

I wince. “Yeah.”

He nods slowly. “Welp—I guess you’re going to have to convince her to un-friend-zone you.”

I roll my eyes. “I thought you were on my side. I thought you agreed that I should be focusing on my priorities, and not on a relationship. What happened to ‘don’t get your honey where you make your money’?”

Darius shrugs. “I’ve had a change of heart. This cold has given me a new perspective on life. It’s pretty ridiculous of you to think that you can’t be a good dad while also having a life of your own.” He noisily blows his nose.

I sigh. “Yes. I want Inez. I do. But I can’t allow myself to pursue a relationship. I’m a dad. I’m committed to Stella and to being two parents in one. I can’t do that to my little girl.”

“Um, last time I checked, I’m pretty sure you can be a dad and go on a date.” Darius cough some more. “And judging by the way Inez looks at you, I’m thinking you were part of the reason she didn’t marry that TV show guy.”

My pulse starts pounding at that idea. It’s a thought I hadn’t previously allowed myself to entertain. Because that would be nothing but wishful thinking.

There’s a tingle at the base of my spine. It’s fear. I know it is. “I can’t start dating Inez. I can’t take the risk that Stella will get attached to her. Because when she leaves, what will I do then? I don’t want to see my daughter heartbroken. She already lost her mother. I couldn’t stand to see her lose another woman who’s important to her.”

Inez is so patient and encouraging with my daughter. I think about the way she sits with my little girl at the piano after dinner every night, watching her rehearse for her upcoming recital. My baby girl is getting better every day. In Inez’s nurturing presence, Stella is simply blooming in every way.
