Page 52 of Real Thing

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Each time I’m alone with my thoughts, I’m brought back to the firmness of Nolan’s lips on mine. To the tug of his hands in my hair. To the heat of his body pressed against mine.

I can’t throw my whole life away over one single kiss. This is ridiculous.

Yet here I am. Sitting on Nolan’s tattered couch and casually folding laundry when a potential lawsuit and a world of legal obligations awaits me somewhere outside the limits of this small town.

Later in the afternoon, I’m still folding laundry and ruminating when there’s a knock on the office door.

I set my pile of folded T-shirts aside and open the door. Nolan is there, sweaty and flushed and frowning at me. “Comin’ through, Stargirl,” he mutters as he backs through the entryway.

He and Archer come into the office. Carrying a freaking three-door cedar brown wardrobe, wrapping foam and protective plastic clinging to the exterior. Before I can formulate a question, the brothers head back outside. A moment later, they’re back with a matching six-drawer dresser.

When Archer reads my perplexed expression, he smirks at me. “Outta the way, ‘Stargirl’.”

Bewildered, I scurry out of their path. “What is that?” I ask, pointing dumbly as the brothers arrange and rearrange the items and set things up just so.

“Furniture,” Nolan tosses matter-of-factly over his shoulder.

Smart ass.

“Okay…” I drag out. “I can see that it’s furniture. But why did you bring it here?”

“You said you’re tired of living out of your suitcase.” Mr. Exasperating shrugs. “So, voila—storage space.”

I’m getting a headache.

“Yes, I am tired of living out of my suitcase. That’s why I’m moving out,” I explain to him, real nice and slow so he understands me.

“No, you’re not,” is his light-hearted response.

“Nolan,” I grind out. “I’ve been here long enough. It’s starting to get weird. I feel unwelcome.”

He squints at me, wiping sweat from his brow with his forearm. “I bought you a fucking dresser, Inez. Of course you’re welcome here.”

Why is he so difficult to reason with? My rage is rising and it’s rising fast. “The purchase of a dresser does not compensate for the fact that you’ve been treating me like shit since the night we kissed.”

Archer’s head snaps up. Nolan’s face goes red.

Ugh. My big mouth.

With a growl, my boss man from hell takes a commanding step toward me, it’s intimidating and exhilarating at the same time.

“Look, Inez. There’s some weird photographer following you around town. You’re staying with me. Where you’re safe.” He lifts my chin with his knuckle. "Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get the mirror from the truck, so you can see how cute that pout looks on your face.”

“Arghhh!” I can’t help but yell out loud as Nolan marches off.

Archer doesn’t even have the decency to hide his chuckle.

“Not funny,” I grumble at the oldest Brighton brother. I fold my arms across my chest for good measure.

“I think it’s pretty funny.” Archer shrugs. “My brother’s an idiot, isn’t he?”

Immediately, I’m defensive. “Don’t you say that about him.” Because as irritating as Nolan is, he’s still my Nolan.

Bitch—you don’t have a Nolan.

See? I’ve lost my damn mind.

Archer clearly finds this all amusing. “Look—in my brother’s defense, sometimes us guys don’t know how to express that we care. It can be…difficult.”
