Page 40 of Real Thing

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Stop it, Inez. Only emotionally available men.

I’m four or maybe five shots in now. Counting isn’t coming quite so easy at this point. I’m thinking about how good it would feel to let go. To let my guard down and just be myself. To take what I want. And right now, what I want is the man standing in front of me, with the fitted denim shirt and the hooded denim eyes.

My gaze drifts to his lips. And all of a sudden, I can’t take my eyes away.

His long fingers come up to rub at his mouth, almost self-consciously. “Why are you staring?”

I blink. “I’m not staring.”

I’m totally staring.

I force myself to look away, trying to find something around his kitchen to gaze at. But it’s probably less than a minute later, and I’m already back to staring at Nolan’s mouth.Whoops.

Okay, I’m officially a little tipsy.And god, I’m horny. I giggle at the thought.

Nolan takes a step closer, crowding me against the counter. “What are you laughing at?” he asks in a stormy tone.

“Do you really want to know?” I dare him.

“That’s why I’m asking.”

I boldly tip my chin up. “There was this rumor going around town a while back that you kiss like a bearded toilet plunger. I’m just wondering if it’s true.”

Nolan rubs over his upper lip with his fingertips. I can’t peel my eyes away. “I can assure you that the rumor was complete bullshit,” he answers darkly.

There's not much distance between us now. I trail a finger down the buttons of his shirt. Heat radiates off his pounding chest. “It’s okay, Nolan. I don’t expect you to admit to your sloppy kissing skills,” I tease.

His eyes darken further still. “Well, you could always kiss me and find out for yourself.”

“I’m sure you’d love that.” I try to give him some sass, but it comes out all breathy.

Silence stretches between us. I stare up at Nolan as he stares back at me. We breathe each other in and out.

After a while, his voice comes out like a low rumble, a little earthquake in the silent air. “All the guys around town want you. Do you know that?”

My stomach twists into knots at his words. “But do you…?” Because the truth is, I don’t care what the other guys around town want. I don’t care what any of them think.

All I want to know is if Nolan wants me.

The air crackles as he stares back at me. The tension sky rockets.

“Do I what…?” his words drag out.

I shake my head, impatient with him playing dumb when it comes to this crazy sexual energy between us. I sigh loudly. “Do you want me, Nolan? Do you want to kiss me? Do…” My voice cracks. “Do you want to…fuck me?”

Wow. Curse you, tequila. The liquid courage is really working its magic right now.

“Goddammit, Inez.”

“Just answer the question.” I’ve already put myself out there. I might as well see this all the way through.

But Nolan doesn’t answer. Just when I think he’s going to bail, he leans forward and grabs my face.

And then his mouth is on mine.

Firm lips crushed against my lips, Nolan’s strong fingers sink into my hair. Instantly, my senses are overwhelmed. The weight of his body leaning into mine. The pinch of his short nails biting into my scalp. The bruise of his beard grazing along my chin. The scent of his skin intoxicating me in a way those shots of tequila never could.

I gasp at the sensory overload.
