Page 103 of Real Thing

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He hisses. “Fuck. Yeah, like that.” He strokes himself nice and slow as he speaks. “Touch that pretty pussy for me, Inez. Rub your clit, baby.”

I obey his instructions, making circles, round and round, my eyes never leaving his face.

“Now, dip a finger inside. Get it all nice and wet for me.”

Again, I don’t hesitate to give him what he wants, sliding my finger into my hot, drenched canal. In and out, in and out as I writhe against the sheets.

Nolan climbs over me, kissing me deep and dirty. He kisses me like he can’t stop himself. He kisses me like he’s trying to tear me to shreds. Pulling my hair and biting my bottom lip. His cock lays heavily against my inner thigh, jerking and twitching.

When I try to touch him, he guides my hand back between my legs.

“No, keep fucking yourself like a dirty girl,” he whispers by my ear before he kisses my neck, licks my collarbone, bites the flesh of my breast.

I’m going absolutely insane with his body so close to mine but not close enough. I want him inside me. I want him to fuck me.

“You smell so damn good, baby.” Then he seizes my wrist. “Let me taste.”

I move my hand to his mouth and he sucks my finger between his lips. “Fuck, Inez. So damn sweet,” he groans, sucking harder.

His cock twitches again. And I don’t know what takes over me. I close my fingers around his shaft and bring the tip of his erection between my folds, pressing it against my entrance.

I gasp. Nolan shudders.

“Inez,” he warns, quickly grabbing my hands, pinning my wrists above my head.

I lift my hips, holding his erection right there, coating the length of it in my warmth and my wetness.

His jaw falls open and his eyes fall closed. “Jesus.”

“Please, Nolan.” Hands restrained, I rock my hips again.

I know it’s irresponsible. I do. We should be using protection. I know that. But I’m not thinking with my brain right now. My body is running the show.

I lift off the pillow, bringing my lips to his ear. “Just the tip. I’ve never been with anyone without a condom before. And I’m on birth control.”

“I’m clean,” he mutters. “Before you, I hadn’t had sex in over a year.”

I move my pelvis again, letting his crown nudge against my starving entrance. “Let me feel you. Just the tip,” I beg. My knees tremble where they’re braced against his hips.

Nolan’s eyes lock on mine, an inferno burning in his blue irises. He grasps my waist with his free hand and he pushes into me, just an inch or so. My walls clamp down, needing more.

“The tip won’t fucking be enough and we both know it,” he grinds out. “Tell me what you really want.”

In the candlelit room, I look him dead in the eyes and take a staggered breath. “I want you to fuck the shit out of me.”

Without hesitation, he slams deep inside me, bottoming out, pushing the air from my lungs.

My spine arches off the bed. My eyes roll back. I yelp his name.

Nolan fucks me, his hips hammering against mine. I reciprocate his thrusts as best as I can. But I’m so full. He’s so deep inside my stomach.

I want to touch his body, to hold onto him as we ride each other, but he’s got my hands pinned to the mattress. All I can do is take and take and take his passionate thrusts. “Mine,” he breathes out. “This hot, tight pussy is mine.”

A tortured groan breaks free from the back of my throat. “Yes, Nolan. Yes.”

He takes my lips in a kiss. “This mouth is mine.”

Another passionate sound falls from me.
